
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Picceta, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    It just looks like you either have no life, or its modded. I'd like to know the strategy, or else I don't believe you made this. It could easily be modded. so, Id like some sort of proof.
    Sage and (deleted member) like this.
  2. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Why in the hell are you guys fighting over this.
    Picetta shouldn't have to defend his own map. If you've seen his other maps he is good at geomerging and I believe he made this. The whole maps geomerged real well. It's not that difficult to make it that low. you just have to use the way oldschool way bun place it on like window panels.
  3. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Is that how you retaliate? you slam on other maps if we dont like your gameplay. Once again, I DO like your maps. I HATE the gameplay. Im tired of fighting about a map that has no potential so im gonna end this with this last sentence. Your maps will never get featured if you keep this up...Ya I went there
    Sage and EGP like this.
  4. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Hmm, harsh...

    I can tell you right now of a theory I could come up with as to how it was done.

    Geo-merge the box COMPLETELY under the map and save it.

    Go under the map as monitor.

    Brace the box in place under the map with item of choice (I use fence walls)

    Geo-merge back up through the map with doors or whatever you like to geo-merge your objects with and place something above the map so that it doesn't go too high.

    Voila, you have a box geo-merged down to practically ground level.

    In layman's terms, you're essentially reverse geo-merging. Instead of doing it from above the map to below the map, you're doing it from below the map to above the map, simple.

    I dunno if that's how he did it, or how anyone has ever tried to do it, but that would be the way I would go about doing it, and in theory, I'm pretty sure it would work.

    Making such harsh criticisms just because of a lack of imagination is no reason to accuse people of modding.

    P.S. I was able to escape the map, and just through regular jumping as well (i.e. no nades). When people make such bold claims as to it being completely escape proof, it just makes them look that much sillier when they're prooven wrong.

    Moral of the story - don't make bold claims about anything: modding, escape-proofing, anything, lol.
    Linubidix likes this.
  5. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    I'm not about to give away all my secrets but buddhacrane is sorta getting somewhere, I mean the death barriers could be a problem there lol but you are on to something, I'll give ya that much..

    There are glitches that aren't specifically for forge that can be used. Enough hints.

    And I'm not expecting it to get featured to be honest, Haven v2 I sorta expected to. Compared to some of the crap that gets on there I felt mine should have made it.

    This isn't my best map obviously, but it has potential, we had loads of great games on it earlier and everyone said they loved it and wanted to play again.

    My maps are going to stay the same style because they're always a success this way. Apart from a few fussy people, 99% of people have enjoyed my maps, I get fan mail every day almost. (Not joking lol).

    So regardless of what you think, you are wrong my friend, just because you (1 out of many) thinks it sucks, doesn't make it true. Accept that. I've already accepted that I can't please everyone, but I know I hit 90%+ every time so far.
  6. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Holy crap dude! the geomerging on here must've takin you forever. i would never have had the patience to do that, lol. umm the map looks really kool, i love the roofs of your bases they look exactly like the type/style i use to make the roof of my map Intrepid. you should check it out. umm dude 2.6/5 just for having the patience to do all that geomerging and then another 2.4/5 for everything else. for a total of 5/5 yay!
  7. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Welll lets start off with the GEO-MERGING. the floor is incredible, you interlocked all of the boxes far into the ground so only the top shows. That adds a whole lot on to the aesthetics. You are the geo merging god. My friend told me that the weapon placement was bad, and that the gamplay wasnt good. But i i plan too see in the futer you maps. I want to see all of the geo merging. Some things can be changed like weapon placement, but other wise incredible. Please make another map! Ill make sure to play this one.
  8. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    LOL Zombie, OtherDark: Chill the **** out. Neither of you have any ****ing room to talk; you've been working on the same ****ing "helicopter" map for what, 2 months now Alby? Dark, your map has gone through so many revisions that you can't say that you can build a perfect map either.

    Picceta: some of the "crap" that's been featured here has pleased 90%+ the people that have played them, exactly the ****ing reason they're featured. Your very same defending argument can be used to defend every map in existence, as there is no proof that these people have truly enjoyed your map and you aren't simply making false claims.

    This being said; I've been gathering peoples opinions about this map as seeing it intrigued me to a great extent, and the consensus is that game play is fair enough despite the somewhat iffy spawns, while your aesthetic touches are something to envy. I, personally, haven't played the map yet, but I'm still looking forward to seeing this creation first hand as I've enjoyed your previous creations.

    The lot of you need to get of your high thrones, understand that you each have different opinions, and ignore each other if you can't get along better than a Kindergarten class.
    Uc Gollum and thesilencebroken like this.
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow this map seems so professional because of the clean interlocked floor and it just sticks out because of it.

    I love this map to death but could you possible get a pic of both sides because I see one side blocked off but not the other.

    Great map over all
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Just because you cannot do something yourself doesnt mean its fake. Grow the **** up. Calling someone a retard because they dont fully understand the spawn system is ****ing lame.

    I do have to admit, i liked Sereny the best, then Haven and then this, but your skills are getting better. I dont fully understand the spawning system myself, so maybe seek help from someone like Draw The Line or Devinish.

    My only problem with your maps is that theres no depth to them. I know you dont like maps where you jump constantly, but sometimes, it needs to be there. Take "Last Resort" for example. There is plenty of open land and stuff like you prefer, with structures varying in height and everything. The other problem i have is that you put so much emphasis on the Sniper rifle. You're in a small box... both teams dont always need a sniper, and furthermore, they dont always need the sniper handed to them.

    Other than that, i admire your skills, and i hope you realise how to improve in the small areas that you can. Everyone needs improvement, so ignore these featureless assclowns.
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Ok, I'm checking this map out right now and it's ridiculously perfect. I have to agree with LOL zombie that this is either modded or took a year to make, because there is no imperfections at all with the geomerging, which is perfectly walkable, while hitting no bumps. I just don't understand how it can be done that well...
  12. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I too agree with lol zombie the map is too perfect we are checking it out the death teleporter is farther than it is possible to get out. The trash on the floor that has colosion that would make the box off a little didnt effect it at all. the angle for the fence boxes are to obscure to be duplicated be cause they would have to be done free hand. And the soccer ball in the fence thingy is in there too perfect. Also the fact that there is a door on the b side that is in the wall and is more in that the doors do on themselves.
  13. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    "There are glitches that aren't specifically for forge that can be used."
    Um, like modding? Wat R Ur Zecrets!?!?

    Haven V2 should be featured NOW. The fact that it has not been featured yet is a testament to the decline of great featured maps on forgehub.

    "Regardless of what you think you are wrong"

    somebody can't take constructive critisism, JEEZ =(
    Sage likes this.
  14. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    you've created a pretty good map here. It's very open so sniping should be pretty fun. The map really is near perfect in terms of straight walls and things of that nature. however there is a little bit of a lack of creativity here. Basically it's like 2 bases with a thing going down the middle. Clearly you have a lot of forging skill. i mean, i've never seen anyone forge this near perfect. but really, the stuff here really is basic. P.S. i really liked haven v2. oh and the boxed floor is kinda pointless really. i like it tho since it looks cool. Good job on the map, keep forging for the sake of all of us.
    Sage likes this.
  15. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    okey otherdark and LOL Zombie, ya kinda over stepped some boundaries
    @otherdark- stop bishin and go away
    @lolzombie- he could have used braces under the map
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    For now, I'm going to take his word for it. Wether the map is modded or not, I dont know.

    Alby and Otherdark stop now, if anyone continues to post in a aggressive manner he will be given the Warned status with a 3-point infraction.
  17. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Ok well I gotta say something because everyone is still accusing me, debug glitch, look it up, there are ways past the death barriers. Has to be done offline on your own, and it's pretty tricky stuff to do.

    Once people understand that, maybe they'll shut up and admit they just didn't know about all glitches.

    Thanks everyone who actually stuck on my side and just enjoyed the map for what it is. That's all I actually want. So please get over it, I don't want to hear anymore comments about how I made the map, just on the map itself. Please.
    Phreakie likes this.
  18. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I think you should've embeded your extra screens. I do love this map and it will stay on my HDD until you make a better one.

    o and BTW this isn't impossible. I actually did a 4 box floor that looked like this. it might be modded but who cares. I like this map.
  19. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
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    Amazing map. I downloaded and did a forge-through and it is near flawless. Although some people above seem to believe the "green" floor serves no purpose gameplay-wise, only aesthetically, i think it would make a great call-out. I have not tested out the gameplay (although I'd love to get a game going), so I cannot judge the quality of the gameplay and spawns. (slightly off-topic) Also, in my opinion gameplay is subjective; I also believe that you cannot judge gameplay on the first few games, everyone needs to know the map well.

    I love how you went past the "normal" bounds of forging and created a map with a land-like feel. Oh, and superlative geo-merging man, I was like =0.
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Before I get started I'll address a couple posts.

    For a lot of your comments on this thread, I'd be willing to demote you. Giving constructive critisism is what Loyal is about. Being Blunt and rude is not.
    I am disappointed in you.
    If you'd like to go there'.
    I was never a fan of Clockworks, no matter how many times you revamp it, I don't think or want it to get featured. With the help of Blaze, sure I could see it improving but... I am getting off topic and will visit your thread after.
    But honestly, STFU. I don't blame Picceta for being rude or losing patience as the two of you were complete ass holes to him. He's sharing what he built with the community and if you don't like it, say what you have to say without bashing him and then kindly piss off.
    That does sound suspicious but I am and was and will giving you the benefit of the doubt. If you would like to silence everyone, record the film of you forging and post that.


    Onto the map:

    I really liked it, the gameplay did remind me of default style of gameplay. It had a nice flow to it. The forging was stunning. The floor, although impractical, was stunning. The fencebox bridge thing; wow. The bridges merged with the Foundry Bay doors was amazing.

    The weapons were fitting. Each had it's weaknesses and strengths. And most of them were following the laws of risk and reward. My main concern is the Snipers' extreme dominance. I'll address that a bit later.
    Grenades were fun on this map, getting back and hurling them or using them to combat the sword in the tunnel. The sword was fitting, incredibly powerful yet it was in no way overpowered or unbalanced. I really liked the ability to actually use deployable grav lifts although they needed to be placed in the exact right spot otherwise it would be very hard to get on top of the base. When up there with the Sniper Rifle, you could absolutely rape. So my suggestion for that is to remove some of the boxes in the floor(I know, you probably are extrememly agaisnt that), and place them upright ontop of the tunnel. So that it blocks off the snipers' line of sight. Otherwise the sniper will continue to reign supreme and not in the best of ways.

    I didn't see many serious issues with spawning, when spawning we were in clear sight of our enemy but with only an AR in hand sight was all we had. Or perhaps I was just lucky that I didnt experience any problems. Or maybe I'm just not as strict with what I call spawning problems.

    It played with a lot of flow. The tunnel worked well, most aspects of the map were great. But the Snipers' being as overpowered as they are was it's biggest flaw.

    Also, with the blocking off. I wasn't a fan of using teles which send you to your death. It seems uneccesary and a bit spiteful. Maybe place the receiver in the air above the bases.

    Overall I really liked it, the forging was phenominal. The weapons were fairly balanced, there weren't any seriously huge spawning issues, it had nice flow but the sniper had too good sight. Because of how it's layed out; the sniper is so powering because it can view all of the map, essentially. Well done on another beautiful map but it's gameplay didn't match the amazing creation.

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