MLG Android

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Ladnil, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I can't believe I never posted this here. I could've sworn I did. Anyway, this map is now in the MLG playlist as one of the third slot gametypes. Basically MLG has added gametypes to the playlist that aren't actually on the circuit, and they are always going to be in the third voting slot so they don't take precedence over circuit gametypes. If any of you guys get games on Android from the playlist or your own customs, I'd love the feedback.

    Now, without further ado...

    by Ladnil
    As you may have noticed by now, Android is Genome's little brother. When I ported the Genome design to Reach, I made it significantly bigger for a couple of reasons: I wanted to accommodate power weapons which I couldn't with the smaller Halo 3 budget, and at the time I thought Sprint was going to dramatically increase the map scale that was considered "normal." Genome turned out really good, but I somehow missed the BR-only style the map had in Halo 3. Android is here to bring that back while looking great and being more efficiently budgeted than Genome.

    On the name:
    Impended: "I really like the bases, they look all technological like Transformers or something.
    Me: "Dude, I think you just named my map."
    Impended: "What, Transformers?"
    Me: "Well, something along those lines anyway."

    Blue Base

    Bottom Green
    For help with orientation while playing, always remember that green side has the land in the background. Trees=green.

    Base to Base. Actually a lot more open in the version in the playlist, as the 1x1 tall and thins have been replaced by columns.

    Top Down

    Big thanks to everyone who helped test and who gave feedback in forge. Y'all are awesome.


    All download links go to the MLG playlist version of the map, and the screenshots are a bit out of date.

    Bah, thumbnail images can't be edited? SMH
    #1 Ladnil, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  2. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    great job making it into mlg v3 matchmaking its an all round great map!
  3. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is cool and all, i dont really like it on the playlist though, the angles are to weird for mlg
  4. Lolmeister

    Lolmeister Forerunner

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    Another great map from Ladnil

    Anyways good job getting into the MLG playlist
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks sick. The way you shaped pieces of structure to make them stand out is very creative. You have some architectual skills. But, where is the weapons list? That would help. Great looking map though.
  6. Floods

    Floods Forerunner

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    Very nice map. I've only played it once and hadn't even heard of it beforehand, but I was able to learn and get the hang of it pretty quickly, pretty rare for me on any map, let alone an arena map made in forge world.
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Player orientation is something we MLG Forgers take great concern in. Despite the stigma of have "boring gray arena maps", are maps are anything but and relatively easy to learn. The only stereotype that holds true is that all our maps favor the DMR... For obvious reasons. lol.

    @Ladi. Yes, Ladi. :D
    Love Android. Hate Genome. That is all.... Or is it? ;)
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It truly baffles me that people didn't think about that stuff at first. I began building Genome on September 15th, and one of the major things I considered when choosing a location to build the map was player orientation. The original idea was that blue side had the island behind it, orange side had open ocean behind it, red side had the rocks strutting fromt he ocean behind it, and green side had Forge World behind it (if you can see trees, that's green trees = green trees= green trees = green trees = green trees = green). Four colors, four distinct background visuals.

    I made a deliberate decision not to compltely enclose the map with Coliseum walls because it seemed like an awful idea to me, and yet every day there are many maps released that are completely enclosed and very difficult to orient oneself on. I'm not a bad forger, but I should not be so far ahead of Joe Average that I consider this stuff when he doesn't. That's just embarrasing for Joe Average if it's true.

    Android is built in the same spot as Genome originally was, and only the red and blue bases swapped positions. I talked to Pulsekiller about color rotation so that the Android matchmaking variant would have the same color rotation as Element, and I ended up switcing red and blue base to match what he had done. I just wanted to do everything in my power to make navigating the map purely instinctual for an average player, and that included the background visuals as well as having a standardized color setup.
    #8 Ladnil, Apr 24, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2011
  9. Floods

    Floods Forerunner

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    I've always tried to make sure players are as oriented as possible (I like to use toys and lights and stuff to try and give people easy callouts, like 'dice' or 'purple'). I think the reason you see so many of those enclosed wall coliseum maps is people are scared of lag from the game having to draw all those bold exteriors as well as support everything in the map itself.

    Unfortunately my map-building skills themselves just suck, so it doesn't matter. :)
  10. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The weird architecture makes this map a bit confusing to play on... as you know, the monotone colors kinda blend in, and in this case, they seem a bit distracting, though beautiful and unique. It would be more clear if you used some team colors to differentiate different parts of the map. Otherwise it looks very good and the framerate is normal, though I don't know if the numerous buildings make frame rate drops when playing team games.
  11. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    personally i dont have any problem with the map, and you deserve it being in MLG. im just surprized how it doesnt lagg. there are a bunch of merging going on in such a small amount of space.

    Map rating: 9.5/10
    #11 RoboArtist, May 7, 2011
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The bases did get a little bit crowded towards the end of construction, but for the most part I was careful about object density and kept things simple and clean. The map is pretty close to supporting splitscreen even.

    Thanks for the high rating. Always nice to hear positive feedback :)
    #12 Ladnil, May 7, 2011
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  13. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    If Chuck Norris made a map, he would've made this. I'm not sure there's any complaint I could make about this map other than that it doesn't support split-screen. How the hell did you get this so perfect?

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