Decide for yourself. Is he cool or an old man trying to be cool? From a British perspective i have to say i love American politics, your political candidates really go all out to promote themselves. I think we should have televised debates in this country like you guys do.
This happened months ago, old news. He, Obama and Clinton all did one of these little shorts where they pumped out as many wrestling one-liners as possible. THen they had a mock Clinto and Obama get beaten up.
Ah fair enough can't say im follow it too closely. I just found it quite interesting how involved with popular culture the candidates get. Just not something you get over here in Britain. Its much more formal.
Old man trying to be cool. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. I agree it it would be better if people were more interested and enthusiastic about politics in the UK like they are in the US. I wouldn't want it exactly like the US system though, its all about charisma and hype, bullshit popularity contest.
That was the most pointless commercial EVER!!!!!!! Why did you make me waste 2 min. of my life????? WHY?????
It wasn't a commercial, it was a 3 hour (it's normally 2 hour) special episode of WWE Raw. They'd been promoting it for weeks and a part of its draw for the audience as a bonus was that the presidential candidates would be there. Which they actually weren't, they'd just made these little shorts.
To be fair what was Blair's campaigning and what will David Cameron's campaigning be apart from "Charisma and Hype". Us British are too reserved to ever have anything like this happen, hell if David Cameron appeared on Match of the Day as a guest presenter it would probably end his chances of becoming PM lol. The part of American politics that i think we really need here is the televised debates. they screen Prime Ministers question time on BBC Parliament but its not like many people will watch that. If maybe during election time they had a series of one on one debates about key policy areas between the three main party leaders, Labour, Liberal and Conservative i feel it would really engage a lot more people.