Sandbox Ancient Narrows - Final

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by USNSEABEE555, Apr 9, 2009.

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    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ancient Narrows
    Created by USNSEABEE555

    Supported Game types:
    Slayer, TS, CTF, Oddball, plus many other custom Game Types.

    Map Description:
    Well it originally was meant to be a replicate of Halo's "Narrows".
    After getting started I realized, there was no way I would be able to
    recreate it due to the 3 Limits restricting us from overloading the
    map. So I went custom with it. I uploaded the first version of it to
    Bungie, then decided to change a few things..below is a list of all
    weapons & equipment placed. The map took a guesstimate of about
    40-50 hours, yes I know...get a life right? haha! Other then that
    Enjoy!! P.s. If you like my map please be a community hero and don't
    forget to rate and maybe leave a comment on its page via
    Thanks for any and all support!!

    Ok so the older versions were pretty rough, but I honestly feel that I have revamped the map with the changes made. After the constructive criticism received the new one is bound to get a few head nods now. Maybe a download or two? we'll see Enjoy

    - Added 2 battle rifles
    - Removed man cannons from base
    - Added two man cannons to the bridge area (to make it more similar to Narrows)
    - Moved the Overshield and Camo (see screens)
    - Moved the Sniper (see screens) NOTE: This was my buddy DE4TH DEAL3R's idea, thanks bro.
    - Deleted both old bases and remodled here and there

    Weapons Utilized:
    Battle Rifle x 10 (multiple locations)
    Covenant Carbine x 6 (multiple locations)
    Shotgun x 2 (one on each side of the bridge)
    Sniper Rifle x 2 (one at the very back of each base)
    Machine Gun Turrets x 2 (one on top of each base)
    Rocket Launcher (center of map lower walkway)
    *Note: as you can see not a lot of weapons were added, wanted this to be more of a competitive map.

    Equipment Utilized:

    Grav Lifts x 4 (two at each base, bottom floor corners)
    Plasma Grenande x 4 (center of bridge, on top and below)
    Bubble Shield (centered on the lower walkway)
    Power Drain (middle area of bridge)
    Regenerator (center of bridge)
    Radar Jammer (middle area of bridge)
    Overshield (see screens)
    Active Camo (see screens)

    Screen Shots:


    Hope everyone enjoys the map, Thanks for taking the time to check
    it out and the first version. As it has a different layout, see which one you like better..hope this is sufficient enough info to encourage you to d/l
    the map and round up some friends and play some CTF or
    SWAT!(recommended gametypes btw)

    Special thanks to my friends who helped me test out the game play, much appreciated!

    Download Ancient Narrows here

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey are you the one who origionally posted the other one? But if you are nice, i like the other version and this one should be good two :)
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Edit updates into your original post next time. Do not create duplicate threads.
  4. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    DtL is right, you should always edit the existing thread instead of making a new one.
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