What? lol First, I made this when I first learned to interlock. So it is sloppy, so I never thought once it'd be favorited. Second, what site? I never joined any other site... so not sure what you mean. If you mean Bungie, then yea I joined Bungie lol... or else I couldn't post maps here. Don't diss me and my map before you even know what you're saying. lol, you just look damn foolish.
brutecaptain told me that proforge or something was in charge of the fav's this week and thats the only reason you got on, regardless, it still sucks.
lol stfu... i never heard of proforge or anything. How would Brute know? and thanks for dissing my map. Really mature. I know it isnt the best map and dont know how or why it was chosen for favs, just was... not my choice so stfu and go away
you calling me immature? you have someone who killed millions of people in your sig as a half joke, buck-o. I'm not here to fight.
I didn't design that... btw Why is it so horrible I got Bnet Faves? Are you that jealous or something you need to ***** about it though? I swear I never signed up on any site, or asked for faves. The map isn't my best, I know that too. Someone found it though and liked it enough to fave it though. So thats all there is to it. Sorry if you or Brute didn't get faves, not my choice. There are definitely better maps. Easily. They werent picked. I didn't and wouldn't have even known had Dom not told me.
Actually, I saw that this batch of Bungie's Favorites maps are all from Forgehub =D. I guess this site has the best map makers out there. Edit : didn't see bnasty's post already announcing your bungie fav map
I'm sorry to be as blunt as Bnasty, but Coliseum maps have been done to death so many times that you're practically raping it. I don't think you can go any better with this idea. It looks well made, but 'coliseum' turns into a circle pit of death. Not fun. I'm glad that you've made a good map, but coliseum maps are a big turn-off for me. Nice job getting Fav'd though.
Actually, Running Riot's second week of Bungie Favs is this week. They just like our maps. Our week is in the near future.
oo I didn't know that. I just looked that up. Yeah what exactly is Running Riot? A mini FH or just a fan site? Either way they somehow found my map lol. I'd prefer it better they chose either a better one of my maps or one of the much better maps out there. Getting faves is somehow bad to everyone lol. @Blood- thanks man, someone who isn't being an arse about it :] @ Nemi, I know the idea has been done. This was my second, maybe third map. First interlocking, and I had nothing to do that day so I built a coliseum, added some things and decided to post it. Didn't think it'd ever get bungie faves.
looks like i could Rofl on this map and i would also like to see how many heads i can pop off in one game
You mean zombie but, they are tempolary invicible for the start of the game, you'll have to run to live.
Yes they are temp. invisible, but not for long. And by the time they get out of the tunnel, they have like, 2 seconds of it left, so you don't need to run to live for long. But in those two seconds a lot can happen...