woah nice, it also kinda of looks like that map from halo reach because of the high rise picture. but the courtyard looks like the cleanest part of the map because it has all that interlocking anyways good job dude
No one told me it was up! :O Anyways, I congrats both of you guys because this truly is one of my favorite maps. It's design is addictingly unique while still looking good. I wish I could have tested One Flag on this. It looks interesting. The pics confuzed me a bit, I didn't even recognize the map at first. The video was great! It was the best video preview for a map I have ever seen. (even if you did get a double on me) Anyways, I love this map and am definitely DL'ing this!
Wow this looks great guys. Whats with all the 2v2s blowin up. I like it though. That was a freakin sick video, I wish I could do that stuff. I loved it a 1:23 when the guy dies and flies sideways and gets closelined by the pillar... Epic. Anyway, this looks friggin solid and you got my download broskis.