UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND NON-PRIORITY TRANSMISSION FLASH:D95.23274 ENCRYPTION CODE: [REDACTED] ENCRYPTION KEY: JACKINTHEBOX _________________________________________________________ ORIGIN: NavSpecWep Dep. 2 Section 1 FROM: [REDACTED] TO: CODE NAME: Forge Hub SUBJECT: Anchor 11 __________________________________________________________ ANY BREACH OF CODE-WORD CLASSIFICATION IS PUNISHABLE BY THE DEATH SENTENCE AS PER UNSC MIL-JAG 4465/LHG UNDER THE WARTIME ARTICLES OF SECRECY. /RUN/PROTOCOL D85/ /OPEN/ ATTACHED FILE: [1 OF 1]/ Anchor 11 was one of 12 Orbital Refit and Repair Stations [ORRS] in orbit above Planet "Reach"[UID:12.2837282]. All other ORRs were sacrificed [With the exception of Anchor 9] to protect orbiting Super MAC Platforms [SMAC]. Anchor 11 survived because it lacked the tonnage[+30,000 tons] to protect even a regular MAC. It's primary role was to assemble premanufactured parts of UNSC Capital Ships up to Battle Ready Condition [BRC]. Parts were shipped to orbit by light freighters or from other Anchors. All Anchor Platforms are to be Reclassified: DIA With only a small compliment of Longsword and Shortsword Fighter/Bombers, Anchor 11 relied on her station cannons [30mm Autocannons]. Posessing only one "Dumb" AI, it could still defend against any fighter assaults. Anchor 11 was also a staging point for OPERATION: VACCUM SHIELD. The mission was a minor success, because they destroyed three CCS class battlecruisers, but Anchor 11 was destroyed by a Covenant Corvette after its fighters left the area. /RUN/ATTACHED FILES/ Far view of the Station Frontal view of the Station View of Anchor Command and Control View of a completed Corvette engine Gun Deck and Maintenance Decks of a UNSC Destroyer Close up view of a gun platform Hangar Bay of a UNSC Destroyer under construction Close view of Spawn area Artificial Gravity Unit ready for installation Bow of a UNSC Destroyer WARNING: You MUST use unlimited jetpack, high jump and low gravity, or Forge mode!!!!! You WILL die if you don't!!! EDIT: Woooh! 1,000 views! DL it people, download!
Really like this map. The aesthetics are really nice. But what I like about this most is that it seems like it can host games. Of course, not competitive but casual games could be pretty fun on here.
Thanks man. You get a for being first. I don't think I put team specific spawns on this map but if someone did, then it would probably be fun...
Looks cool. I love the aesthetics. Although maybe add some teleporters so you don't have to jetpack and low gravity you're way around the map. And possibly also add a filter, so it feels like you're in space?
I tried adding filters, but they made it look too dark, or they made everything blurry and suckish. So I decided to make it just default
Cool. However, misleading. Here's why: From the title, I thought it was just some idiot's remake of the Sabre-part of the Long Night of Solace mission. But now that I've actually seen the map, I can assure you: No, it doesn't look like an idiot's remake at all. It seems like you've actually spent a fair amount of time on this project. One suggestion, although not needed, is to outfit this map for Invasion. All you would need to do is add the Invasion spawns/objectives, as you already have this made for Slayer.
Yeah, I did spend quite a while making this. I didn't try Invasion, because I would have to build a covenant staging area. I will try it thoughand if it works, I'll update the page
It's nice and I know what its supposed to be and all (I think) that but others may not, if I'm correct its a station that puts ships together, might I suggest that you put some more recognizable pieces of ships there or something if there's money left etc.
Unfortunately, there aren't anymore blocks or walls so I'm kinda stuck. But what could I add to make it more "ship-like"? I mean, It's got engines, a MAC Gun, a Hangar, and an Artificial grav area, and a gun deck... Not really any more "ship" things that I could build that I can think of...
Hey I just recently joined Forge Hub and this is one the first maps that really caught my eye. The name grabbed me, the description held me, and the pics sold me. DL and Liked! Good Job!! Got together with a few friends to check the map out. Overall crazy gameplay and a lot of firebird medals on this one. Which btw the suggestion to use jetpacks was very helpful the first time around we played without and there were a lot of suicide by falls.