
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by FattyFatFat Kid, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    [edit: I guess I broke my screenshots a long time ago when I re-organized my photobucket. Pics work now!]

    Created by FattyFatFat Kid and local friend Eddie I.

    AR – (x2) 30 sec respawn, 2 extra clips
    BR – (x2) 60 sec, 1 extra
    SMG – (x6) 30 sec, 2 extra
    Plasma Riffle – (x2) 30 sec
    Plasma Pistol – (x2) 30 sec
    Brute Spiker – (x2) 30 sec, 2 extra
    Mauler – 120 sec, 1 extra
    Brute shot – 120 sec, 0 extra
    Frag Grenade (x6) 10 sec
    Spike Grenade (x4) 10 sec
    Active camo – 180 sec
    Regen – 90 sec

    Available Gametypes:
    Slayer (team(3v3), ffa(no more than 5)) <-recommended!!
    CTF <-recommended! But make flag carrier 50% slow
    Oddball (team, ffa) (watch out for teleporter camping on team, turn off 1-hit ball kill)
    King of the Hill (team, ffa) <-recommended for chaos-lovers!
    Assault (two bomb, neutral) always fun and fast-paced
    Infection (weakest gametype because there’s nowhere to hide, but I set it up anyway)

    Quick Description
    In an effort to satisfy the demands of "m0ar 1ntrl0x!11!", I give you Anathema. It’s a small, multi-level close-quarters map made for either team games of up to 6, or free-for-all games of 5, max(even at 5, the spawns start to break so watch out!). Both red and blue sides are identical, 180°-rotated copies of each other. It’s set up so that when viewing each base from the middle, they look identical (no symmetry) kinda like the way Battle/Beaver Creek or Sanctuary was set up. The rest of the map, both top and bottom middle, is roughly symmetrical(barring scenery pieces), with two mancannon lifts and 2-way teleporters connecting them. It’s kinda hard to describe so check out these pics:


    Wide angle of the top middle level. (I removed the outer wall for this shot)

    Wide angle of the lower middle (again, with the same wall removed)

    Red Base

    Red Base opposite angle

    More Red Base

    Still more red base

    Going up the stairs on the right of the last pic (only *gasp* it’s in blue base!)

    Quick! Through the teleporter! (top level looking at previously missing wall)

    Going up lift

    Coming out lift

    Also, I just put up a terrible-quality walkthrough vid on youtube:

    This was a really fun/frustrating map to make. I think almost the whole map is interlocked. The only things that aren’t interlocked are the scenery items and the weapons/equipment. I even embedded the flags to stick out of a box! It was my first time using a budget glitch so I had many times where I deleted the last of something and then couldn’t spawn it any more. Would’ve been nice to know about the new clean budget glitch! But I muscled through it and ended up with a map that uses almost all of the main scenery items effectively and efficiently.

    The only problem with the map is that in certain parts on the floor, guns and even active grenades will slightly embed themselves preventing them from being picked up or conveying damage (But this might just be a problem with my xbox). Besides that, this map is a blast for objective gametypes (flag and hill especially!) but sort of becomes a slug-fest in slayer. But then again, what small, close-quarters map isn’t! Have fun!

    *Sidenote* since I despise having to download separate gametypes for all the new maps I download, I’m not providing gametypes. The map works pretty well with default gametypes with a few exceptions (addressed below). And since everyone has their own tastes and preferences, you’d probably just call me a noob, and change my gametype as soon as you download it to fit your desires anyway. I will however suggest a couple things:

    For flag, bomb, and ball carriers; make ‘em slow. Game ends too fast at default speed. And turn down the damage dealt on all those carriers too; the map is too small to allow 1-hit kills.

    This map is great for competitive games as well as the casual I-just-wanna-play-a-crazy-game-of-rockets-or-hammers-on-a-really-small-level-type games, so enjoy!

    Download Anathema

    Also, a huge thanks to all the dudes who helped me test: Murdock Sampson, Nicjgoat, Teerav11, Keers, Thorax tehGreat, xbrokenxangelx, Waylander, xX5w33ny70ddXx, AmercanPsycho, Turbo Gerbil604, Gerald8r Goalie, Devious Void, xXChris Da King, Bl00D F1R3, and of course, IxI IChAoSI IxI. Sorry if I missed someone, you all helped me A LOT!!! Thanks again!
    #1 FattyFatFat Kid, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  2. zeusthegoose365

    zeusthegoose365 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this map looks amazing. I like the elevater with the window panals. Great interlocking, and the staircase is just great too. Its a good idea to build levels for this map. 4.50/5. To bad I can't download i have 100 custom content but i will download when i delete some crapy maps on my hard drive.
  3. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Looks extremely fun and looks perfect for FFA Slayer!! I'm downloading, The interlocking is so perfect, and the map description is too!! 5/5, I will come back with a better review later. ;)
  4. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
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    Dude this map is one of the most kick ass maps ive seen, maybe even good enough for feature! i remember how fun testing was it was major fast paced and major choas! congrats, 5/5 and download!
  5. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    Perfect interlocking and good ideas. Reminds me of mazes, IDK why though. 5/5 and a DL l8er. I hopezz for V2!!!
  6. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    N333dz m0ar intrl0x pl0x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Th1z mapp r suX n33dz intrl0x!!!!

    Haha just kidding. This is a delicious map, and so is the "intrl0x". I think this has potential, so keep working and maybe it will get featured! If not, try V2 or V3 or V4...
  7. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This MAP is Feature worthy, BUT THERE IS ONE PROBLEM! Everyone look at the second left a double box there where you have to jump over the top portion to go where ever that area is that you want people to go to. You could have flipped a lot of objects to give a smoother display but I think you didn't want to because you wanted the tops to display like that.
  8. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    insane map dude
    LOL anathema is a vpp word i have
    the interlocking is sexy and the gameplay looks insane
    good map desgin and weapons placemnt, looks really sexxy
    mabey flip those bridges and some of those unflipped double boxes
    that is unless your going for a certain look
  9. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    It looks like it may be a little bumpy, but the gameplay looks pretty intense. I would love to play it with you on Xbox Live so hit me up. (Unfortunately all my data spaces in Halo 3 are full right now)
  10. FreakyPenguin5

    FreakyPenguin5 Ancient
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    this map remindes me of a halo 2 map. looks great im sure it play great also 5/5 for now because i haven't played it nice job
  11. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Wow, thanks for all the comments guys! I posted and then left hoping to come back to a comment or two, but instead I get a whole page full of comments mere hours later! All of which were positive too. I just hope you all enjoy playing on it as much as you enjoy looking at it! Thanks again guys!
  12. nicjgoat

    nicjgoat Ancient
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    this map is a super awesome forge. it really feels like an actual building rather than a pile of forge items.

    The layout is unique, some of the interlocking is totally new stuff. the play itself reminds me of H1 with all the teleporting strategies, hehe. i still want to get some 2v2 goin. you managed to make the brute shot work as the power weap which i don't see often. definitely cool.

    great work overall.
  13. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Thanks for the endorsement and your testing help. btw what was new? I learned all my tricks here at FH, nothing's new . . .
  14. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    looks realy nice...

    i can tell u put a lot of thought into every inch of the map for possible ledges and wat not...

    i like the looks of the map and am downloading..

    after downloading it if needs be i will edit the thread w/ more info
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Testing this map was great.
    Glad to see you finally got it finished.

    Everyone needs to download this map, its really fun in customs.
    The design and overall gameplay is just awesome.
    You know, I never did get my Testing rep.... haha.
    FattyFatFat Kid likes this.
  16. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    This was a very intense close quarters combat map. Exactly suited to my style of play so I absolutly loved this map. There were a few bump issues in the version I was in for testing but it looks like you've sorted all of those.

    If the map seems a bit confusing to anyone at first just give it time, once you move around a bit and understand the layout you'll find there are several different ways to go from point to point.
  17. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    i almost craped my self the map looks amazing!!! you got a dl il tell you what i thought after playing
  18. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    AMAZING MAP. Great job with the interlocking, staircases, and elavator. I am very impressed and I hope it plays as good as it looks =)
  19. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    kool map u did an amazing amount of interlocking on this map, the intricacy is just awesome.
  20. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Again, thanks for the comments guys!

    thanks for controlling yourself in time XD

    It's actually a very simple map, not very intricate at all. Like Waylander said, it may seem a little confusing at first, but you get used to it real fast. Those were some intense close-quarters games! Good times Waylander!

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