Spoiler Updated, with the whole map rebuilt outside of the Coliseum, weapons and spawn tweaks, etc. Essentially V4. ANALOGUE V4 A culmination of about 8 months of forging, I present to you all: Analogue. Originally an MLG-style map in the Crypt, the map has come a long way. About the size of one grid, Analogue is a rotationally symmetrical 2-base map, playing very well for party sizes of 2v2-6v6, along with multiteam and FFA. It's strongest suit is Slayer, with it also balancing CTF, Oddball, Assault, Stockpile and Territories as proprietary gametypes. Items: X1 Sniper Rifle [150 sec, 1 spare] X2 Grenade Launcher [90 sec, 2 spare] X2 Spiker [90 sec, 0 spare] X2 Plasma Pistol [60 sec, 0 spare] X2 Needle Rifle [60 sec, 1 spare] X6 DMR [60 sec, 1 spare] X4 Frag Grenade [60 sec] X4 Plasma Grenade [45 sec] X4 Health Pack [30 sec] Images Special Thanks to: rusty eagle What's a Scope Erupt ThrowinDemBows GodlyPerfection DOWNLOAD ANALOGUE V4
Looks Great! I really like how you made the center room in your thumbnail pic. How did you make those 90 degree angle covers? The different elevations will make for some really good combat. This will be a def add to the weekend custom map list. Keep up the Forgin'
Really nice one BT, I remember being invited to run around this with a few others, and I gotta say it is a very solid competitive map, I remember when I was checking it out a few days ago there was a low roof hanging over the GL which looked a bit odd IMO so I'm glad you took care of that. There were lots of pathways and nice places to escape danger from what I saw, and there was also good height variation, great job BT!
Wow really nice Theorem ! It looks clean forged and you did a very good job for the weapon Layout . So i guest its a MLG map ?
Still there, but only in Oddball, so I assume you were in Basic Editing in Forge... I don't like it either. <3 Anyways.. Great map BT. <3WeaponSet <3HeightVariations <3Looks </3Lighting Also, if Rho ever edits that clip you better put it in your post. -.-
I've only had a chance to play this with 4 people and not 8 as is intended, but I can still say this is a solid map. Lots of space, angles, and movement options. I noticed that, in the version I played, there were kill zones on the teleporters. These could cause players who are playing CtF/Assault/Oddball to have the object they're carrying reset upon going through the tele. If it's still starting the countdown each time you go through, that ought to be fixed. Btw, where's your map description? Also, the white font over your pictures is hard to read in some places and takes away from your pictures.
Thanks for the comments guys. @Frenchy, I was thinking about releasing an MLG version, actually. This one is not, but it'd be interesting, especially with the increased speed. @Erupt, IF he ever edits the clip @lynx, I forgot about the map description, though I dont mind. I noticed the problem with the white font, but I didn't want to do a color that stood out too much.
Woah nice looking map, BT. I know we don't know each other, but I was hoping I'd see you make a map, as with many others. Onto the map..First of all, I love that you made this map with a bit of color. Everyone knows that it's hard to get color into a map while still keeping framerate lag at a minimum, while also eliminating the bland, gray color of forge pieces. So, great job with that. Also, I like that you added some rocks into the map, I myself love doing that and adding such features really make the map more aesthetically pleasing while also making the map alittle more unique. I would need to get some games on this before I can judge gameplay, but all I can say is this looks enjoyable.
@Theorem : Its actually not a MLG map ? But When i look the weapon list , its already MLG weapons . So i guest you will just remove the Spikers ? How can you do a MLG version from this map ? And were do sniper spawn ?
At first, I was like..."Oh gawd, not another Zealot-Like map!" but as i saw more of it i was a bit surprised. there was more to it than i thought. Nice use of space and the looks arent half bad. nice job map rating:8/10
While this isn't really my style of map, I still found it enjoyable to play on. The design is solid, and while nothing really made me say "wow", nothing dissapointed either. I think the strongest part of the map is the center, which just looks cool and works well from a gameplay perspective. Good job BT!
Updated, with the whole map rebuilt outside of the Coliseum, weapons and spawn tweaks, etc. Essentially V4.
amazing, i love what you did with the updates and how the floor on half of the map is grass, that helps so much on telling what side of the map im on, instead of the other version (which i tested a few months ago) in the colliseum, this was amazing compared to it! i hated spawning and not knowning where on the map i was! great job
God, i saw this map ages ago, when it was just finished and there was loads of clutter. You cleared it up and cut out all the laggy objects. Plasma repeaters > Brute Spikers I really like the elevation changes in the map and the way it resembles assembly (but without the random blocks)
Played this a couple days ago with you guys in Godly's test group, and have to say that I was quite impressed. There were just a couple of things that I didn't really like. Such as finding it a tad bit difficult to get oriented on spawn. Also, most of the action centered around the edges of the map, and tended to occur almost exclusively on the upper sections. In fact, I had no idea there was an entire map down there until I went through it in forge later that evening. An otherwise fantastic MLG style map.
Wow, this map looks so much better now. In the Colliseum, the map looked bland at best. Now, it actually has a nice look and feel with the more natural setting. The map actually reminds me a bit of Halo 3's Assembly now. Good job on the revamp!
Analogue Analogue is a small, enclosed map that comes to terms with a fairly simple layout that consists of a center structure about which the rest of the map circles. Due to the nature of how the center is set up, it often becomes one of the most trafficked parts of the map, which is not beyond reason, since both bases cross through the center. Despite the implied simplicity of how Analogue is built, the map can be slightly difficult to navigate for the first few games. This is considering that many paths intertwine into other levels that may not specifically go where a player was expecting to go. Once players get a feel for the layout, this is adverted, but for a newcomer it may feel weird getting used to how the map progresses and plays. Whether the player is new to the map or is very experienced with it, Analogue is always heavily competitive. With circular routes, sly drop-down points, clever tactical jumps, and a mad variety of how to approach a battle, Analogue becomes a wildly strategic battlefield where brains almost always trump brawn. Just because one player starts to shoot at another first, does not necessarily guarantee them the win. In fact, more times than not, a player will chase another player down a hall only to find that the player they were chasing is now on top of them with the advantage. If two or more players know how to manipulate this map well, it makes for some epic combat sequences that are ended by one party slipping up where the other succeeded. The simplified version of all this is that a player who is on the same level as the others will have a blast on this map, but skill lines are clearly drawn in this map and players on separate levels just are not compatible on Analogue. Analogue is inversely symmetrical and so is the weapon layout. Aside from the Grenade Launcher at the center of the map, which acts as the main power weapon of the map, each side has the same choice of weaponry. There are two Snipers on Analogue which would lead players to believe that the map is easily dominated by them, but said players would be wrong to think so. Unless the player was totally caught off guard, there are plenty of line of sight blockers and reasonable means to escape that prevent the Sniper Rifles from being dominating at all. In fact, testing revealed Sniper Rifles to be one of the least used guns on the map, which leads to question their presence for such a mid-sized map. There are teleporters on the map that, despite the kill zones put in place around them, are still partially campable. Many players in fact hang out around teleporters to lay waste to unsuspecting users of the system. Considering the open area around the teleporters, escape is met where death is inevitable. Once people start catching on to this, the teleporters eventually go unused. While CTF works relatively well, Oddball comes with a couple of problems revolving around the holder’s ability to camp at teleporters successfully. The player may hide around corners where he could pummel anyone who pranced around the corner. With these things in mind, it is clear that Analogue was intended to be held as a Slayer map above all else, but with a little more work and possibly some gametype manipulation, Analogue could more successfully incorporate objective play. Simply stated, Analogue is a completely enclosed map with no strange surfaces to gain unwary altitude on other players. It is physically inescapable. Other, less physical Durability issues arise with player count on Analogue. According to the description, Analogue can support up to twelve players for six versus six combat, but testing revealed that eight players began to test the spawn system and bad spawns became an issue, albeit a rare one. However, pushing the limits further, twelve players will completely unravel the spawn system and enemies will begin spawning in your sights. For being a relatively smaller map, it is a mystery as to why the player count was set so high, but to avoid spawning issues players would be better off playing with no more than eight people; ideally, six. Written by RAWR2010 Overall this map had very few aesthetic features. Though the over all design was a piece of art in itself, you could tell that this map was primarily built for gameplay. Next, there were only four places on your map where it was possible to see that something was done to make the map look nice. The rock arches, though they would have looked better with a rotated tin-cup base. The base lights, on the wall of all of the bases was a large platform to represent colour, you may have put this in so people could keep bearing but it adds to the overall aesthetic score. The tunnels running along the walls on the lower floor, these were a good touch and how you put in the health packs was a brilliant idea. Finally, the small sattelites that held up the plasma pistols, obvious attention to detail was made hear and you even made sure to line it up with the base block detail lines. Lastly there were a small number of areas on the map where the glitch "flickering" drew away attention from the map, this is a real problem from both an aesthetic and gameplay point of view. This map, has the basic look and feel of one of halo 3's MLG maps, due to its lack of attention to aesthetics. Whilst Analogue’s layout may be anything but mind-blowing, the elevation differences coupled with the many corridors provide an interesting competitive experience, which is hard to come by. Despite the fun competitive experience that Analogue has to offer, the layout and experience can easily be compared to the classic Wizard, which does not make for a great originality appeal. Overall Analogue provides players with a fun, classic, tactical, competitive Halo experience that has been missing for quite a while in the realm of user created content. Rating Multipliers [floatleft]Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetic : Originality:[/floatleft]9 x 3.0 = 27 out of 30 8 x 3.0 = 24 out of 30 8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15 6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15 5 x 1.0 = 5 out of 10 Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings Have a question about your review? Review Hub Community Feedback