I'm new to FH and i hope i wont get shouted at for posting in the wrong place (sorry if I have...) but i just wanted to see what people think of an idea of mine...With all the new stuff i've learnt to do with forge I thought it'd be cool to make an upside-down floating pyramid! =]
well i could keep it as an Aesthetic or i could put a hill on the top using extravagent methods to get up...
Doesn't really sound fun =/. Would it be a pyramid like this or this? I think there needs to more than a "hill on the top using extravagent methods to get up...", unless the ways to get up were really elaborate and fun.
Upside down Pyramid, with a hole on the "bottom" (now the top) and a small hole at the "top," mancannons are aimed to launch you in. Sword starting weapon, other weapons on map. Just above the pyramid is a hill, you get points for going through it.
It would be extremely difficult to pull off the angles WHILE making it float. if i were you, i would work with a guilder/mason on this, as it is an extremely difficult build with alot of strange anges. Believe me, ive tried stuff like this. Anyways, it should like a decent idea, but like i said, it would only work if certain consitions were met, like it didnt look terrible and had stuff inside to make it useful.
So are you planning on having the pyramid hollow in the middle (like a square funnel), or do you plan on making floors? Gravedigger's idea sounds good to me.
My map, The Sarlacc, started out as an inverted pyramid. It then morphed into an inverted octagonal hill much like you are describing. The bottom has small openings to get inside from ground level, and the inside is hollow and open at the top, so you can battle in, on, and around it. I thought it was a great idea, but i didn't gt much response to it. I like your idea of launching into it, but you have to be careful about the potential for people camping the landing zone. Try mine out and see what you would improve on it, and maybe you'll have something that gets a better response! Good luck!
That map looks different than what I was imagining, I was thinking something floating made out of double boxes. -Donuts
Yeah, i should probably rename it and repost it. I think people were too confused by the name. The only intended similarity was its "fall in the middle and die" aspect.
ye, i could try working with a guilder/mason....i don't think i'd have enough time to complete it before like christmas...but ye, thanks for input - that was exactly what i was looking for..
You could keep your idea but turn Sandtrap into a giant Egyptian Temple! That would make great for and aesthetic map. Just a pyramid would be weak sauce, sorry.
I finally did my first map. It's an inverted pyramid-ish map. It has a base in each corner then you can slide down to the middle. It's called The Louvre http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/112553-louvre.html