The other day I was talking with some friends about Left 4 Dead and the new survival mode. Eventually the conversation lead us into talking about what if Halo had its own type of "survival" mode like in left 4 dead. Now I know what you're thinking, "But Gman their are no zombies in halo 3! Your idea is just plain inanity!". Yes I know this, and the solution makes way to much sense, instead of Zombies Halo would use the Flood. Prodigious, right? And you know what would be even better?... If Bungie updated forge with this new game type so you could modify spawnpoints for the flood and increase the difficultly of the flood over time. Insanity! Anyway thanks for reading my idea and feel free to comment and post you own thoughts. :happy:!!!LATTER MY PEOPLES!!! :happy:
I don't think Bungie has any plans to update Forge what so ever. They wouldn't update it, to implement another game's characteristics any way. It's Copyright in a way, since it would be incorporating aspects of their game. It is possible to do a Left 4 Dead styled map, I know there has been some Left 4 Dead maps that have been done already.
well in h2 there were some pretty sweet mod maps that incorporated AI spawning where your team fought off the flood. It would be cool for halo 3 but i doubt they'd do it. Even though all it would take is adding the spawn points for the flood, all the rest would be the same except the spawn points would have timers on them. and you could set a delay so each round you live more come at you.
that would require a humungous title update. While it would be pretty sweet, the thing I've noticed with the survival modes are they get very boring and very repetitive after a while.
This idea would be awsome ... in theory. However Bungie will never do it, mostly because they don't do AI's in Halo, and also because it wouldn't work as well with the combat system.
Survival Modes can't really be copyrighted. Before L4D, Spiderman had a survival mode in at least one of the games.
L4Ds survival mode isn't copyrighted, because a few other games have the same kind of mode. Heres some:Gears of war 2, CoD5WaW, (posibly) CoDMW2, spiderman ..........
Yeah, it'd be awesome, without a doubt, especially if you could modify maps for it in Forge and do your own thing with it. Infection would be replaced by something good, epic even. But tbh the genius of Halo 3 is the game mechanic in it's entirety, so you could add any number of expansions and new gameplay modes and they'd be truly amazing. This is just one of them, and sure it would probably be up there as one of the best possible additions, but Bungie has their path set and I don't see them deviating from it with such a massive addition as this which is far from on the radar. The way I look at it, developers like Lionhead make numerous promises with each game that they fail to deliver on, look at Fable I and II. Bungie keep themselves quiet, they refuse to utter words on something until well after they could safely do so, but that's the marketing game I'm afraid, and at least they deliver on their promises wihout fail. We've got ODST and the Mythic Part II coming up, and those are a long way away. Bungie are being veeery cagey on exactly whether there will even be any more content for Halo 3 after that, apart from promises that they will continue to support and tweak Halo 3 in the MM sense of course. Sure it'd be cool, and who knows, maybe somewhere in the depths of Bungie a similar addition is being cooked up and they're laughing about how they're gonna hold out on us with this one too. But it'd also be cool if I woke up tomorrow able to fly, I ain't gonna hold my breath either way. It's a nice plan dude, but don't count on it.