This map was created by Yugnoswam and oz0 BRADLEY 0zo and took around 22 hours total to complete along with testing and modifications. The challenge is to complete the map without any deaths or changing the game type. If you do complete it then please take a video of it and post the link to your fileshare below. If you are not lying then I will add your name to the list below: Those which have complete the map are as follows: Yugnoswam oz0 BRADLEY 0zo First Area Second Area Is A Hidden Secret Third Area Fourth Area In Thumbnail The Throne Of Glory
cool you posted it. I have to say that this map is very irritating to complete in one run and takes a lot of time and patience but is a lot of fun too. DAMM YOU TINY ROCK!!!!
Yeah, I had to modify that because it was host only at one point. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Can I get come comments on what people think please? [br][/br]Edited by merge: : Halo Reach : File Details Please feel free to download my tutorial video onto your xbox to watch in theater.