Pushup Brute Drop down and give me twenty soldier! Splat! Look at the legs + neck Webcam Brute Heya Sexy Gassy Grunt A bit immature but I couldn't resist Oh no This was not going to end well.... Poke Master Chief chose to take advantage of the unfortunate ODST's predicament Ballerina Brute Look at the shadow lol Hostage "Nobody moves or the Grunt gets it!" Look Mum! No Hands! "I can ride my bikewith no handlebars" Yehaw! Riding that Grav Ham Breakdancing Step Up 3: Halo Crotchrocket Not very original but I found it funny I hope you found some of these screenshots funny, please let me know your favouites
These are great. The humor presented in these are outstanding, and unlike many others, they're presented well. The "No Hands," "Brute Pushup," and "Grav Hammer" ones are my favorite. You can tell you went through the tedious task of looking for the perfect position, and you did it well, so I give you props for that. Nice job.
These are hilarious, my favorite are webcam brute, the grav hammer, hostage, and pushup brute. Web cam is soooo funny, the position it is in=win, and nice caption as well. All the other ones, aren't as funny, crotch rocket is kind of hard to see, and I probably wouldn't have been able to tell unless you explained it.
I think the Riding the Grav hammer and both odst ones are somewhat amusing. the rest are kind of lame. But Ill give you credit for effort though.