AMtrane's Official Chess Map Uploaded with Another chess map to add to the community. I just got tired of playing on the plain SO B0R3D map. This chess map feature black and white tiles. Bleacher stands. (mostly for look). And Two light towers shining upon the map itself. Forge with precision and symmetrically perfect. Check out the pictures or download if you have faith in me lol. Preview One Preview Two Preview Three ============================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Updated version AMtrane Chess Map Variant 1.1 ============================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You don't really need this gametype. But I find the turn clock and time limit to be annoying from time to time. AM CHESS GAMETYPE(No timer or turn clock) Enjoy!!
Awesome job on this. I done exactly same with board using short 1 * 1 blocks upsidedown and tried to merge board into it but it didnt work. My biggest disapointment with the halo board was no difference in square colour and it is great to see this board made. Well done. I like and will be adding myself a copy Edited Also glad you made your own gametype. I have too, has your version got timmer? As i like to play chess and it is nice to be able to relax and enjoy a game with a friend. Seen u dont have timer like mine, also on mine I took move speed down to 25% so u move like chess piece. Can see u also like chess. Nice work
This map looks very intresting, can't wait to play a chess game on this. I'm glad you found out how to make black and white tiles, they are extremely helpful. I remember downloading an earlier map with black and white tiles, and had quite a few games on that the first day, because it was just so intresting. Anyway, downloading now. *EDIT* After I played, I did experience a lot of lag. Hopefully, the newer version down there won't lag as much.
I like your version. Until I see it in forge, I cannot for the life of me figure out how you did your dark tiles. Reveal your secrets!
Well it sounds pretty brilliant to me. I was using 1x1 ramp pieces for the dark squares, but I get this weird framerate issue where they delete themselves at a distance until a couples pieces are killed. Do you get that? I'll probably just have to wait till I get home and try it.
I really like this chess map, I hate how other chess maps have squares that are nearly the same color or are the same color and the maps tend to be dark and it makes it hard to tell where you are. I also enjoy the lack of a timer although it gives my little brother time to screw around and push my peices out of place. All in all a solid chess map with above average aesthetics.
that is one good chess set I must say. I didn't know that you could play chess in Halo but I guess you can. Anyway would you be so kind to share some of your secrets *wink wink* nudge nudge. The bleachers and the lights really make this map stand out from the rest