
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by A Happy Pumpkin, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. A Happy Pumpkin

    A Happy Pumpkin Forerunner

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    Good Day! - It's been a while since I've been on Reach but I got on the other day and decided to post this on my file share. At first glance it may not look all that great, but it is. I've noticed people view threads based on the thumbnail picture so hopefully this gets viewed. I haven't tested the map before except for a quick 1v1 because my friends, like me, are all Battlefield fans and can't find Halo to be as exciting as it used to be. Forge and Custom Games are by far the best part of Halo these days, but that's just my opinion. Now, instead of preaching to you, here's the map!

    Description - The Elites are defending while the Spartans attack. You don't have shields and have only 90% damage resistance...So keep your head down, please. There are 4 machine gun turrets in strategically important bunkers to keep the enemy team from advancing. The walls can support a few guys as well so be sure to use those. Two bunkers overlook the battlefield, one containing a DMR (not a lot of ammo) and the other supports a Shade Turret. Be sure to use these high rises as an advantage. Be aware though, if the attacking team gets in there artillery support you may be "coordinated" and blown big deal. Try to spread out and stick to cover, this isn't a "run-n-gun." While on offense, you wanna stick together. You will most likely die a lot but that's the point of an amphibious attack (not really, it just seems to happen). If you get pinned down by machine gun fire, try using one of the three grenades found around the field. If you die you can respawn in three different boats out of the four that are floating. The boat to the far left has the teleporter leading you to the artillery. If you have obnoxious friends who will do anything to win, you should probably guard that ship so the Elites don't use it. As far as objectives go, they're pretty easy to find. After two phases of capturing the hill you will have to return the core from inside the rock and bring it back to the beach. Like I said before, I haven't really tested this so let me know how it goes.

    It's October 23... About six days after I posted this and I've noticed that everyone's downloading the gametype....THERE'S A MAP HERE TOO YA KNOW!? :(


    Note - These screenshots have removed some of the cover that actually appears on the map, when you get too far away from things they tend to disappear. Don't judge the whole map based on what you see here. I can only post so many photos before i get sick of this!

    Overall picture from the attacking side:

    When leaving the ship you need to knock down the door:


    One of four defending bunkers:

    Shade Turret:

    High rise:

    These steps spawn around 2 minutes in:

    Take the core back to the beach:


    Overall view from the defending side:

    Thanks guys, I'd appreciate the download even if this doesn't look all that appealing. If I had something to record a video of it I'm sure it would look better. Pictures just can't tell you the whole story though. Have fun!

    My Halo Wars Maps:

    Halo Wars:

    Halo Wars Hog Rush:

    GT: A Happy Pumpkin
    #1 A Happy Pumpkin, Oct 16, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011

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