Ampersand - Need Ideas/Thoughts

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Oli The G, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ampersand is a map I started a couple of hours ago. My main objective of it is to have an open, circular map that offers a risk/reward strategy in terms of how it is traversed. I am also looking to leave it as an open space, with only objects to break lines of sight. I also hope to enter it in the $5000 forge contest, although I do not want to jeoprodise the map to make it qualify.

    Anyway, to the pictures!

    V 0.1

    Central ring


    The central power weapon. (Subject to change by suggestion!)

    At the moment I am stuck on ideas of how to expand this. I would prefer as few tight spaces as possible. Nearly all the forging so far has been done by hand, as co-ords arn't precise enough!


    V 0.2


    #1 Oli The G, Jul 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Do what works with your map. From what you have here, I don't think that last part will work, and risk vs. reward is going to end up with suicide rushes for the rocket launcher if there's as little cover as now.
    To be brutally honest, I hate the aesthetics just because of the 3x3 blocks. When you have all that glass there's no way to wallpaper all the overlapping parts since you have few right angles. For those ramps that appear to be made of small bridge pieces, it would be good to set them with a one degree difference in rotation to leave the white part only at the ends. Just for the sake of gameplay it's important to keep a map looking clean so the focus is on enemies and not distracting bumps and cracks.
  3. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am not having that room as a main room. And from initial tests in that room the fighting is actually quite good. The raised area serves as a good way to break the lines of sight, and fighting seems interesting.

    Anyway. Thanks for the thoughts. I am looking to expand off of the sides parts a fraction to make flanking routes. I don't want a very large map. Only up to 8 players for the forging conetest. After that section and a tiny bit more I haven't even used 1300 of the budget because of piece choice.

    I agree about the LoS point though. What would be useful for breaking it?
    #3 Oli The G, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I was more worried about people outside the circle shooting in at anyone going for the rocket launcher. If it's walled in somewhat that will protect anyone going for it, and glass will leave the room somewhat open still. Considering the size of the room anyone inside when someone grabs the rocket launcher will be instantly dead. That means the plasma repeater probably won't see much use.
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    right. I was going to wall it off mostly. Would a concussion rifle be a better choice?

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