American Gladiators?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tarnag X, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. Tarnag X

    Tarnag X Ancient
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    Well I was watching the show American Gladiators on TV the other night and I thought that some of the events (Assault- a kind of shootout match where the Gladiator gets a turret and the challenger gets one shot from various weapons to hit a target to take them down) would be fun to build/play in Halo, if we could make the gametypes and maps.

    I have a few ideas of my own, but does anyone else have any input, ideas, or complete hate for this idea?

    I was thinking Fusion Coils and a custom powerup in a tower to simulate the Gladiator's position and barriers with weapons (no idea to have them one shot only) on a lower floor, thus one shot kills for both sides (custom powerup for Gladiator, in tower at the spawn and for the challenger(s) they would only have to hit the fusion coil). I really don't have enough experience or knowledge to have this happen, so mind if I pick your brains?
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    What about..

    2 guys stood on a wall, floating in the air, and they both have grav hammers, the one who stays on longest wins!

    I was also thinking of making an olympics map, with like a high jump, long jump, and alsorts of other funny events.
  3. Tarnag X

    Tarnag X Ancient
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    Yeah, I had ideas for a lot of them (save the Wall) after seeing only the last episode (flipped to it while watching TV that night, glad I happened to though, the names of the Gladiators are hysterical!). The Joust could be done as a King of the Hill match to one point (none for contesting) on two large pillars above nothing, that way when you knocked off the opponent, its a win for the round.

    You could do other events (pyramid maybe?) by making a destination (via V.I.P.) that one player would defend while the other would get to the top (in order to simulate two challengers/gladiators going toward one objective).

    By the way if this makes no sense, I apologize, I am in a bit of a head fog because I am off my medication (follow up body scans for thyroid cancer, I can't have any medication in me) and it takes a lot out of me (physically and mentally)...
  4. Cygnus

    Cygnus Ancient
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    This sounds like a fun idea...I would love to help out. I was thinking of recreating the event where the gladiator is in the tower, but have fallen short on how the weapons are going to play into it...need to do some research. Anyways, if you want my help, I am totally on board.
  5. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    I created this level a couple of months ago. I have one player on top of two boxes with a turret. There are shield doors all around and above the player/turret so the only way to hit the Gladiator is to throw a nade through the small slit between the shield doors, or to stick the turret. If the nade gets through, it blows up about 15 fusion coils, which represents the contestant hitting the bulls-eye above the Gladiator in the show.

    There are eight stations the contestant goes to and grabs one plasma grenade, which is suspended on a weapons holder. There is also miscellaneous cover and the contestant has to throw the nade. If they miss, it is on to the next station. If they hit, they get a kill. Three rounds, one kill to win for each team. If the player makes it to the last station, which is in the air, there is a sniper rifle for a roughly thirty foot shot. One bullet into a fusion coild and the contestant wins.

    The game is a lot of fun and zig zags through Foundry, ending on a platform in the air. Throughout the entire path of the contestant, the Gladiator has a line of fire to them. Bad nade tosses simply bounce harmelssly away from the Gladiator, so the contestant can't win unless they hit the bulls-eye.
  6. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    Sorry for the double... I hit Post instead of Preview...

    If you want I can send the level to you and you can use it, modify it, tear it a new one, whatever. I think it works pretty well, but moved on to another forge idea and never put the play-test finishing touches on it. Let me know by sending me a message in Live and I'll shoot it to you.

    Gamertag is user name here.
  7. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Maybe instead of having guns you could have grenades? But you would have to throw the grenade( Preferably Frag) in a small hole over top the gladiator and it bounces down and blows up Fusies. That would be pretty cool. Message me on Forge Hub if your ever wanna bring this idea to life!
  8. Ballika

    Ballika Ancient
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    Yea, i've already started work on the pyramid. Each step is exactly one jump (crouch jump not necassary) and there are four levels. It is very basic, but so is the real gladiator version. I'll probably increase shields and either add grav hammers or rockets. I think rockets might be the way to go, although i don't like the idea of bein g able to stop people from far away. I also have had the idea of assault and maybe even the eliminator - An obstacle course with just barely makeable crouch jumps, just some difficult terrain and get from one end to another as quickly as possible. There are some very viable ideas to incorporate from American Gladiatiors into some halo forge maps.

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