Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details i spent 5 and half hours on it making everything merged so that it would look really nice EDIT: I hereby challange non American forgers to make their own flag because just imagine how awesome it would look to have all of those flags made in halo and viewable in one place
wow that is cool?! seriously though it is actually pretty well forged. although i am CANADIAN, it is still good. and now i got that song stuck in my head!
Wow, man, way to show your pride! Really nice, and it's all merged?! When I get my XBOX Back, ill be representing Ethiopia.
greaatttt now im gonna hafta go forge a perfect Canadian Flag. Thx man!! jk, nice map, good interlocking, and way to show pride.
omg thats awesome. cool pic and goor job on the flag. ps team america world police is the funniest movie ever. thanx for refrencint it.