
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Adelyss, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Hey, everyone, please chill out. This is NOTHING like grifball, and NOTHING like TNT polo.

    I'll explain why. In grifball, everyone have hammers, and you die from the smallest amount of damage. There's ONE bomb in the middle, and one team can't score if the other team has the bomb. Grifball is fun, but not anymore. Instead of scoring, people are going for multikills. That won't happen in Ameboid flag, since you can shhot him with a shotgun from far away to kill him.

    As for TNT polo, again, it's ONE fusion coil, and you push in into the goal just to jump down yourself. As with the swtiches, they are completely different. In Ameboid flag, you have to go there to open the goal. This makes the flow of the game change, making one team go to the side instead of straight forward. The whole switch thing makes in a lot more tactical, if not even a lot more fun. In TNT polo, The switch opens up the scoring point below the map, BUT to OPEN it, you have to score. I can't believe how people doesn't see the difference. Also, he did not´at all throw in random changes, he thought it through nicely. The only similarity i see to other halo sports game is the court, and that you have close-combat weapons. Don't confuse the court with the game.

    As for sharpestt, have you even tried it? You can't know how it feeeels until you actually tried it. None of you have a valid point, and i support this map fully for it's excellent gameplay and tactics! There's two objectives, which gives it a whole new depth. "Should i go for their flag and risk our flag to be taken or should i defend for all it's worth?" , "Should we all go for the button or should one go for the flag, two for the button and one protect the flag carrier?". Your comparisons fail. Truly.

    This is seriously a very good map, and even if it doesn't beat the original concept of TNT polo, it's loads of fun and plays totally different.
  2. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Alright. I've addressed it people. If I see any more bickering (ie. getting offtopic of the map itself (ie. spam)) I will be infracting you.

    Oh, n good map 5/5. *Insert high-five here*
  3. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Sorry Tex, that was a little to late of a reply this all happened last night. Anyways does anyone have anything good to say about this map?
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I've been working =[

    Speaking of working...gotta go...

    Though, I will give my opinion on the map. It is another map where you can do a sport with your friends via haloez. Not a bad thing. Though, I would have to get a game in to tell how I really felt about it, and even if I did, I don't think it would be that great an opinion considering I ****ing hate Grifball, lawl.
  5. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    I don't understand what all this is's obvious that this map got some ideas from TNT Polo and Grifball, but this map is original in itself. And switches are made for the forging community to use, you can't patent a switch.

    Anyways, the switches are smack dab in the middle, so couldn't both teams just rush the switches and then it'd just be a regular CTF map? In the opening, at least one team is going to touch the switch. I think the switches should be in a totally different spot, so there are two objectives to defend. I'm sure you could have some fun with this map, and it's a good original idea. 4/5
  6. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Azn you need to grab your switch the unlock the side your heading to. If you dont get the right one then you wont be able to get to the chute where the plant zone is. Plus your flag that your trying to get is in front of you so you grab it and run it to the other side.

    Finally in the strategy's your supposed to take one with the flag and the safekeeper to your switch and the defender and gorilla to stop the other team from getting theres. Most of the time though you both get the switches and then you just keep them from getting their flag close to their plant zone. Its a really fun game though.
  7. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Gameplay Footage is up, click on the link on the first post to see. Sorry Mod's please dont eat my head for double posting.
  8. TheRevXa7xX

    TheRevXa7xX Ancient
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    Its very creative especially the switches, its a whole new style of ctf, the map even looks clean and very smooth it even makes it better, good interlocking.
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    it is like CTF griffball lol it looks very nice the gametype is very important isn't it
  10. lightning64

    lightning64 Ancient
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    It made me think bout tnt for 2 seconds but the power up things make it much more different
  11. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Sexy Dude, yes it is VERY important, else you wont be able to play how it is supposed to be.

    Also lightning, The only think i think that would make you think its like it is the court made out of boxes other than that its completely different.

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