Yes im reading everything, i do understand what you are saying. Im not strictly talking to you when im saying your flameing, im mainly talking to Extreem. I am simply trying to defend my hard work that deserve to be thanked for making as i spend well over 24+ hours making and testing. @Extreem Im sorry but this is wow, about the first part the element part. Me saying that i use all the new methods of forging in my new maps because im growing as a forger meens that while making this map i was of course going to use a switch. Plus i wasn't originaly going to use turrets to block it off i was going to use a switch lift but seeing as i seeked help from H3Artificer and thought about if it was possible for well over 2 hours i realized it wasn't and resorted to an easier switch. Finally about the last part, i am reading everything you say and go back to reread to make sure im not incorrect. Also im pretty sure you would defend your work if you just got done spending 20+ hours making it and it gets flamed from people like you. Not saying your spazy flaming but you are putting down my creations saying i stole this and i stole that. Thank you Link, now tell them it plays Nothing like Grif-ball and TNT Polo, because thats the truth. Your busy worrying about getting killed from a shotgun or have the team score that you dont feel that its like either of them. If more members of ForgeHub would actually Download the map and try it out befor Flameing you would see my point.
uhhhmmmmm wow you really cant comprehend what im saying lemme put it to you this way IM SAYING THAT YOU STOLE THIE IDEA OF HAVING THE ELEMENT OF A SWITCH IN THE SCORING SYSTEM FROM TDF'S TNT POLO MAP IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FIN TO USE A SWITCH IF YOU USED IT PER SAY TO GET THE FLAG TO SCORE IM SAYING YOU STOLETHE IDEA OF HAVNG TO FLIP THE SWITCH TO SCORE FROM TDF there we are i thought you might actually notice what im typing if i put it in caps
Dude im not a friggen 10 year old that doesnt understand what your saying, i know what you said and i understand it, but you dont understand that for me as a growing forger is not, not going to put a switch in my new maps. Also that i have thought of different switches i could do to make it "different" even though it already is and there wasn't a way so i resorted to a easier switch. Link, its funny for me to sence these people like Extreem dont even do it MMG style when they post. They just go blahhhh nice map 5/5, The typical FH post (For most members) Also these people wont understand that i did not steal anything in anyway so until he realized that it guess its going to keep going on. Finally also hey extreem, sence when is "stealing a though" againt the United States rules, or any rule as a matter of fact. Also got something for you. Definition of Stealing: To take or appropriate (another's property, ideas, etc.) without permission. Sence TDF does not OWN the idea of that switch, technicly i couldn't steal it so like i said before you FAIL at arguing so if your going to carry on please use a different word than stealing as it is incorrect.
heheh you must really not get it if you understood what i am saying you wouldnt be posting this ussless crap i never stated that it was against US laws have yuo even seen any of my replies can you give me an example of blah blah 5/5 posts of mine? i NEVER stated that the switch was TDF's i said that using the ELEMENT of the switch in the scoring system on a map like grifball was TDF's IDEA and that you ----->!!!!STOLE!!!!<----- it , therfore not making this map origional at all and giving relase upon tidal waves of critisizm do you think im stupid? OF COURSE I KNOW THE DEFENTION OF STEALING DUMASS
Wow, dude...I understand what you meen see i can even explain it. You meen that i am stealing the idea that you first must activate somesort of switch before you are allowed to score, like in TDF's you must push the fusion coil into the hole which blows up a turret and blocks a portal and then you can go in. In mine you grab a CP that blows up a turret and blocks a portal so you can jump up to the scoreing zone. Then you said if i didnt do it like that and instead of did somthing like i need to grab a CP that brings me up a lift to the flag then grab it and jump down and run to the plant zone. See im not a fricken 10 year old. YOU just dont see my point because your a selfish flaming typical FH member.
wow I know. I've made a few... My final statement: If you're gonna DL, please do. If you're not, don't. You two are bickering like an old couple... About the switch: SWITCHES ARE USED IN ALMOST EVERY MINI-GAME MAP IN EXISTENCE BECAUSE OF THEIR FUNCTIONALITY!!! (key word: "almost") If he stole this, go ***** at RT for stealing ideas from football... -Thank you...
me?? it cant possibly be! im a Typical flaming FH member wow this is new to me the only difference in the switch s that instead of pusing a coil down to blow up the turrent you havea man canon do that for you with the help of a custmo power up and some freindly advice, your gonna recive infractions for harrasment and your going to make enemies fast if you keep this up
Dude, im done arguing when you are. Now please be mature and stop being a little kid. Point is that switches are NOT owned and you can use them freely so im done after this unless you come back with some little kid smart remark, or you cant just drop it. Also i garantry i could go look through maps and find one that uses the same idea type of switch that you so call me and TDF used and i could then use your same exact argument over his map. The OMG you stole his idea stuff your pulling so grow up.[/I] There im done unless you do what i stated above.
ok dude im stopping arguing with you as i have been ever since you first quoted me YOU keep continueing it so please stop harasing me and giving me - rep because you dont like what ihve to say about your map
Acttualy i never gave you - Rep, I could care less about that i was just defending my hard work that took over 20+ hours.
Ameboid 08-11-2008 11:15 PMR3V3LATION S!X continuous harrassment um unless continuous harasment is a good thing.....
Its not my fault you are harrassing me the map creator, you carried on with it, you could of just left. Also i myself never gave it to you, someone else did for your actions, and i see you gave me - Rep but i could care less and im not immature and going to - Rep you back just because you - Repped me.
Ameboid 08-11-2008 11:15 PMR3V3LATION S!X continuous harrassment ^^^^^^^^^ yes you did so stop harasing me and Shut Up
? ? ? WTF is wrong with you people?!?! Why don't you guys take this argument to MSN, PMs, or some chat box??? EDIT: Or the little forum on your profiles. (Visitor messages)
We have stopped. I Pmed his after that last one. Now though anyone else have a say on the map? (It seems like everyone of my new maps gets flamed)
This is no place to have such a conflict or argument. If you wish to continue this, take it out of this thread, because right now all this is, is spam. The point of a map posting topic is to post a map and review it, not have arguments over it's originality. As for the map itself, yes, the resemblance to TNT Polo is immence, but it is different. You are not fighting over a fusion coil, but rather switches, while carrying a flag across the court. It is a nice, different version of a similary gametype/map, and even though the two are different, TNT Polo looks more fun in the sense it is more challanging. Because Grabbing a powerup is not much of a challenge, and carrying a flag across the court to score isn't too hard either. I think everyone should be invincible, so you have to assassinate, however, the flag carrier has damage resistance, but can die. This will make it a little better than just running around killing people, and you will be forced to use more strategy to protect the flag carrier. Send me an invite sometime, though, cause I would like to play for myself, rather than just jump to conclusions and ideas like i just did, without actually playing the map.
looks good but i dont get where the sport comes in if u message me on my profile and dexplain it a little better i might dl this but i still rate it 5/5
Yes i know the Map post is supposed to be about a review, we both got out of hand and it should of been brought to PM's earlier but its over with. The game is actually challenging as the players spawn fairly quickly and you can you kill off a few waves before you are able to rush your flag to score quick. Its gets to almost be a shotgun fest as you have to weave in and out while shooting else you will die by the other teams hand. I have playtested this enough to find a strategy and how to kill your opponients the easiest.