AMBUSHED *Collaberative effort by DKsavage99 and Greix* >If you have CoD4 you may recognize this map< *NOTE* This is only my 2nd good map on the Hub Communications are lost...You are seperated from your squad. They all went into the teleporter despite your warning. Your choices, go in after them, or stay put. You go in. Immediately, an explosion, warthogs flying at your face. DUCK. Your alive, you only lost one man, except, your entire vehicle convoy is destroyed. You look around and see a short strech of highway, odviously a trap. No word from the back-up you called before entering, no radio signal. You salvage some weapons, when you hear a noise. You and your squad run like hell into the nearest building, and pray that your back up arrives in time. If that is all you needed to know how utterly awezome this map is then: Download Map Download Gametype If not, then read on my on! This map is a recreation of the map Ambush from Call of Duty 4 There is one street down the middle, that once the humans spawn, gets ambushed. The humans must then scavenge for weapons, and then hide. After thirty seconds, the zombies spawn. Humans take refuge in the building and beware, because you are almost at standards with the zombies. The zombies staet in a room where it takes 30 seconds for a grav lift to spawn and open the door. Once killed, there are four different spawn locations, to reduce camping. Humans start with an assault rifle(or not, your decision) and a magnum. They have limited ammo and basic stats. Zombies have poor camo. Take refuge in one of the 6 1/2 semi-destroyed buildings and take refuge until your backup arrives......IF it arrives. And now for some pics <Zombies spawn and wait 30 seconds for door to open> <Main street, watch for those coils...> <Side zombies Start in> <Opposite side with a zombie respawn area> <Back side with zombie area> <Other side of back with zombie area> <NOTE: Each corner of the map has a zombie respawn area.> Download Map Download Gametype
Alright, well I did take a quick forgethrough... I love how you started it out "with a bang", literally, although maybe disperse the fusion coils a bit further apart, so that way, they impact more vehicles. Also, while talking about the vehicles, the respawn time for them should be set to "Never". I'd imagine it takes quite a bit out seeing the vehicles respawn on the highway. Now, about the "highway"/road... I do like the little slope effect on each side, but, pending resources, maybe you should try something like on Spartan Highway, with two walls side by side, rather then one in front of the other. That way, you'll get the line effect showing where the road actually end, and the dividing line between the lanes.... As for the rest of the map: I do somewhat like what you have going on the top part of the map (from the "highway" to the sides where the bases/armories are in Foundry, top of the U if you want to call it that), such as the door leading to the sloped bridge. I really can't say much for the other, bottom side of the map, as if it was thrown together with spare parts. Also, the lack of a roof on most of the buildings does seem like a disappointment to me. I'd imagine if you tossed some boxes on top, then I guess it would be ok. That being said though, I do like the idea of salvaging for weapons from the convoy, but I didn't notice any weapons elsewhere. After all, with an explosion on the convoy, maybe a weapon just "happens" to fly (read: spawn) in one of the buildings. Oh, and just for full disclosure, I have never played Ambush in CoD4, so this is based solely on what I see in this map only.
First off, there are weapons dispersed around the map, such as two hidden snipers, a hidden br below the road that you must crouch to get, and all throughout the map, but most are hidden. as for the bottom part, that is where the FMGC was, and was the last part built and due to the lack of objects, it was just thrown in there, but ill see what i can do. and the highway was intentionally that way, because if you have played CoD4, it is a 1 way highway, and looks kind of similar. thanks for the input
it looks pretty good. it would been better if u made a COD4 kinda game type. and you shouldnt make buildings out of fenches because (1) its un realistic and (2) you can see hidden enemis and shoot at them which defeates the purpose of bieng up there anyway. but as for layout and stuff 3.5/5 could use some improvements. id like to see a v2
Thanks for the imput due to the item limit, i was forced to use fence walls for gameplay purposes. If you stand bhind one, you may get shot, and it allows less camping in buildings, along with the at least two entrances per building features and it is not CoD4, it is Halo, it is BASED off CoD4, but very loosely
and if once you play it comment on weather the humans should start with... Assault rifles and magnums or... just magnums please comment
Good use of timed map events. I like maps like this; where the zombies don't get out at the same time as humans. Adds an edge to the game. Good aesthetics with the exploding vehicles also.
thanks i tried i really went for things like the timed events and exploding vehicles i like the affect it has on the gameplay, and then how the zombies have four corners to spawn in and come from all directions i didnt think the aesthetics were that great compared to other maps thx
Please I do not want people PMing me saying theyll help, i want you to try the map and comment on it it is finished, and there is no need for the pointless pms
I haven't played COD4's multiplayer so I don't know how accurate this is, but it looks good. The little slope up to the highway looks creative. You should have put all or most of the fusion coils UNDER the highway. Then you could have put one on top of the highway so when it exploded, all the vehicles exploded. Also the interlocking looks smooth and neat. The buildings are plentiful and that would help the humans. Good job, I don't really see any flaws in this map.