
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Erupt, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "Designed by rusty eagIe, forged by Hi Im Erupt."

    Ambiance is generally a 2v2 map.

    Forging Ambiance taught me a lot about design. I've went through three iterations of this one. It was a pretty hard map to forge geometrically. I know it isn't super flashy, I was kind of afraid to go crazy with the aesthetics because it's not my design. The main aesthetic is the "torches" in the center (rusty's idea.) Overall, I'm pretty happy with the outcome, really.

    * For drop spawn
    Weapon/Spare Clips/Spawn Time

    *Sniper Rifle/1/148
    *Grenade Launcher/2/118
    Plasma Pistol/-/90
    DMR x4/2/30
    Magnum x2/2/30
    Spiker x2/1/60
    Plasma Grenade x2/-/45
    Health Pack/-/45








    Video (older)

    Thanks to...

    Again, you helped me with everything from the beginning. Forging, weapons, games, spawns, whatever. Thanks a lot for all the help with all of my maps. ♥

    You played quite a few games on here and helped a ton with spawns. Thanks.

    Wow. I would be nowhere in designing if you wouldn't have let me forge this. I learned a lot from this experience and I'd be glad to make any of your designs in the future. Thank you a ton for that.

    You helped me with quite a few smaller changes throughout the iterations of Ambiance. Thanks

    You probably played the most games on this with me. Helped quite a bit with the forging, weapons and framerate. Thanks a lot. ♥

    You were, again, a lot of motivation to get this done. Thank you, sir.

    You helped my with some forging and a little with the framerate. Thanks.

    You also helped quite a bit with fixing the framerate. Thanks.

    You did a great job on the video. Thanks and sorry it took that long to release it after you finished it.

    #1 Erupt, Feb 16, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2012
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yay, this was loads of fun back in the day. And holy ****, you're going on a map-releasing spree! This got rebuilt once, or twice? I'm not sure if I've played on the newest version of this, as I haven't played it in ages, but I've had quite a bit of fun on here. Good work Erupt, and good work Rusty.
  3. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This Is nice map and the layout looks great. My only problem is the man cannon because it looks so boring and plain maybe you could something aesthetic to it to make it look better because I find the map looks great but the man cannon make it look a little rushed. Great map though rusty and Erupt
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As if you hadn't released this before. You're a slow poster, Erupt ;)

    Anyway, I love playing on this map, the testing was always fun and the map never felt unfair. I'll definitely check out the final product
  5. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this is beautiful forging. i see a good use of grass, rock and structure. clean co-ordinates, angles and heights. I took a look at your draw up pic and what i really like in a map is when i can picture myself in any part of the map and i still be vulnerable from attack from different ways. every area has like two ways out. perfect design, i'm unna check your other maps now bye.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Wow finally! Never thought you'd post this one. Definitely a keeper, good job guys. I think I played on this a couple times before you remade it at a different location, so I'd like to get some games on the latest version. Rusty's design is one of the best I have seen in Reach.
  7. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I checked this out in forge, and the layout of the map feels very solid. No overpowering positions and lots of routes, inclines and such.

    As far as the forging of the map goes, I feel you could have spiced up the aesthetics a bit. You had a hefty budget left, and I think you could have been more efficient with your objects, but you may have been going for accuracy as it was not your design. In my opinion, if you are going to forge someone else's map, then you should at least make it look good. It's like you took the time to cover a song, but chose not to perform it well because it wasn't your song.

    If anything, I'm sure it was a good project to work on. Seems like that was the idea anyway.
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Dude, erupt started this like almost a year ago, and the aesthetics then just weren't as good. If he had posted this earlier, I think this could've easily been featured. Even if the aesthetics aren't as good as some, it is still pretty clean and better than most.
  9. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It still is loads of fun ;)

    And yes, yes I was.



    I know...

    Yep, rusty did a great job.

    I really don't like how it looks at all minus the center, but I'm not gonna complain because since the sightlines are cross-map everywhere, I couldn't go crazy with aesthetics for the sake of framerate. And lolrushed.. /over a year

    Rusty's design, but thanks!

    Yeah, finally got around to it. Thanks and stuff.

    Yeah, it's definitely a solid layout. As for the aesthetics:

    That and what I said above. Since a big part of the design are the room to room, cross-map sightlines which, if I used a lot of objects for aesthetics, would've caused framerate. I had to scrounge around to get rid of it without going crazy on the aesthetics. Not only that, but (nothing against rusty) rusty requested it to be partially open-roofed so I was very limited as to what pieces I could use. Yeah, I know it doesn't look the best, but with the limitations and things I had to meet, along with the geometry overall being pretty hard to forge, I think it turned out well.

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