Dude, the antenna jump gave the incline next to it no use whatsoever. It was a sweet object to use as a jump, but the jump itself wasn't in a good spot. Also, lol@Rho for failing. And Cart, it really is worth it. I mean, it's a great design and stuff, and the grass makes it look 50x better. All the lighting is better (so far) and I am already almost done. It's no biggie, really. I mean, I know the layout by heart now. I had to look at the sketchup only once now, and that was to make sure that one corner was in the exact right spot. lol. Still, thanks everyone. It'll be released by the end of the month by the looks of it.
I know what you mean, but on the games we played without it, I was owning people who came up that ramp. It's easy to see people go up or down if you're up top, but you have no visibility if you're the one using it. I think it could go either way, really.
Yeah I bet it does look a lot better, it's just I would never have the patience to redo a whole entire map. Itll help framerate too, correct?
I might end up with it there. Idk. We'll see. Yeah. No waterfall near. A few less objects in the center. Less glass in the center for the glow of the "torches" to reflect off of. No lightmapping (which is still only a theory for framerate causing) so far, so yeah, it'll be a lot better, I assume.
how do you guys forge so good? seriously! check out the map at the bottom its my best one and its not even that good!