Designed by rusty eagle, forged by Erupt Description Links -Rusty's Map Adoption Thread -Ambiance B4 Download Weapon List Weapon/How Many/Respawn Time/Clip Size DMR/4/2 Needle Rifle/2/30/2 Sniper Rifle/1/120/0 Grenade Launcher/1/105/3 Magnum/2/15/2 Plasma Pistol/1/90/- Plasma Rifle/2/60/- Plasma Grenade/2/45/- Frag Grenade/2/45/- Health Pack/1/30/- Pictures Sketch Up Pictures Spoiler These are images from rusty's SketchUp design of the map so you can get a better idea of what the map's layout is like. In these photos, the green floor is level 1, the red floor is level 2, and the gold floor is the the 3rd level.
Make it a jump pad instead of a lift. It seems like it would fit better in that room. Just my 4 haypennies
Rusty said the lift promotes flow in the direction it shoots you, which will be toward a hallway. A jump pad would make it so you could go anywhere and mess up the flow a bit. I mean, I agree with you, but gameplay > aesthetics/coolness.
I envisioned a lift that would direct you towards the hallway, because the map has a clockwise flow if you look at the mass out. Plus, a lift is easier to manage for newer players. The jump pad does fit better architecturally speaking for that area though, but I have had some bad experiences with jump pads because of their 'suction' effect. You can certainly try both, like I said, it's something I envisioned. It may not be the best way to connect bottom to top floor. Also, I do have an aesthetic request for the central room once you've built it and placed all the rocks appropriately. If you've messed with man cannon heavies before you may noticed that they vent purple gas. Well, if you flip them and place them in a wall, they look like torches that give off subtle light. Take caution when placing them though, as you need to make sure players won't get caught in the man cannon's vortex. Experiment with them to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about. I think a few of these placed appropriately would serve the map's theme well and tie in nicely with the map's title, ambiance. Look's great so far, and I really do admire the hallway you've built. It opens that narrow corridor just a bit to give some extra breathing room.
Perhaps not worth the extra effort but something as simple as moving the jump pad a bit closer to the wall, and an arrow of some sort pointing the direction you want them to go. Obviously there is always the option to go a different way but the subtle psychology of something like that could help. However, it's not my map design, nor my project so it's really up to you two. It couldn't hurt trying both while you're testing but in the end, it's a very minor part of the map. I can't wait to see the finished product. Erupt, if and when you need testers, you know where to find me. Also, quick question. How many players is this intended for 2v2?
With the way it looks so far I'd say it could range anywhere from 1v1 to 4-4 if I do it right, but yes 2v2 is the intention I believe. Thanks. @Rusty: Thanks for the hallway comment, that was my exact intention And I can probably do that in the center room. Oh, and by the way, do all the rocks have a specific purpose for jump ups? Because I don't know whether to make a jump off a certain rock possible or not? I suppose it's up to me. Oh, and I made an extremely hard jump up out of the pit, just for good measures. If you look at the teleporter frames on the walls? Yeah, you jump off of the grenade launchers little pedistool and you can then jump off one of the teleporter frames, then on to the outer rim of the room. It's difficult though, so I doubt it would make anyone go that way instead of toward the lift. Anyways thanks for the comments everyone!
You can pretty much do what you like as far as placing rocks go, but the rock bridge, from level 2 to level 3, is necessary.
Needz moar interlox 2/10 I'm not really getting an atmosphere from it atm.. but i guess thats because it's only half finished.... be quicker erupt!!!
11/10 oh teh interlox!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 Seriously just for the purposes of aesthetics if not to prevent abuse of jetpacks, you should make all the wall structures higher and give them some kind of defined top instead of everything just being chopped off at a certain height like it is now. Soft kill zones would work fine, but it's best if you don't have to use those.
There's going to be roofing in certain areas, it's in the sketchup just not pictured. For the most part, any wall that's only 2 FU high has a partial roof on it. dun worry, young pyro, dun worry. You can blame Titmar for my recent slow forging. He told me to start taking my time and not to rush my maps You may now commence yelling at him. Anyways, sadly, rusty's torch idea doesn't work as well as I, or he, expected. Plus the angles are screwed up so it's impossible to get it angled correctly. I'll try to get it to work, though. Thanks for the comments er'ryone!
This is looking really nice. I really like the tactical jumps that are added to it. I thought the "Tell. Frame" was just for looks, but i was wrong. The torches are a nice touch. It doesn't seem to show the "flame" in the screen shot. Sorry if im wrong, but i do know what it actually looks like in the game and it's awesome. Can't wait to test it out once it's ready. 4 days since last post? *bump*
It's looking really good so far, I'd love to see some semblance of a roof if possible, to give the map an atmosphere to it.
I could try, what exactly do you mean by semblance? The picture caught the torch on a weak flame Anyways, yeah, yeah. The 2v2 test I did went really well. I need to work on spawns and give the roof some semblance, lol... And the torches are causing problems, but not to fear! I'll figure it out somehow. Thanks for the comments everyone!
Well the map is good so far but I think actually having spawns and killzones will greatly improve the experience. By the way Erupt, way to be a sponge in SWAT today...
Yea it was bad when would see a red dot and find out it's Matt and Paycho jetpacking on the roofs and camping out side the map -.- and don't worry Erupt, you're not a sponge, Psycho just stink at killing But anywhoooo it was nice having a full game on here. It did feel like we were going in a flow of one direction. You two made a nice map. ....PlAcE sPaWn ClUsTeRs! And make the bases on Jacinto
I was hoping no one would notice I didn't place kill zones damnit... Yeah, first game in a while on any map that you didn't lag out at least once And It does feel like you are flowing around in one direction, but I the middle seems to be used very often. I think that's what rusty wanted, but idk. Moving rockets wouldn't really help, either because mostly the people ended up in the middle without know the rockets were there, lol. Anyways, thanks. I have like 4 projects right now, plus I've been bugging you while you made your other one! Don't rush me! Lol, yep. (Hopefully.) I'll get to work on that soon. What Longshot said, like, 4 quotes up. ^ lol Orly?