Ambiance is a small asymmetrical design with three separate floors. It's meant to have a clockwise flow with a strong pull to the central hub of the map which connects all three floors. There are several medium and long range lines of sight. I drew inspiration for the design from Quake style of map design. So it's a smaller, enclosed map. I wanted to create movement and a dynamic conflict between areas and the different layers. The following colored diagrams are to show what actual floor space is being used, as well as to differentiate the floors. The green floor is level 1, the red floor is level 2, and the goldenrod floor is level 3. The qua color pieces are ramps, although they don't specify their angles. The purple circle is a gravity lift. I didn't have much in mind as far as weapon placement or power-up placement. If you need more visual reference then I can give the sketch-up file through skype. If someone wants to take on this project then be sure to give credit for the design. As far as the build goes, I would like emphasize that it's important to have a cohesive theme present in the architecture. By request, I'm updating the thread with a couple of pictures to help people understand the differences in height of the ramps. The brown ramps have a depth of 1.5 FU, a width of at least 2 FU, and a length of 2 FU. The pink ramps have a depth of 0.5 FU, a width of at least 1 FU, and a length of at least 1 FU The bright green ramps have a depth of 1 FU, a width of at least 1 FU, and a length of at least 2 FU Hopefully, this makes a little more sense.
I would gladly take this, but I'm having trouble understanding the entirety of the layout and don't have skype... sigh. EDIT: I'm getting a general idea now that I'm looking at it more closely. I have one question: You have an open wall in all of the pictures/diagrams, what do you intend that to be?
I'll go ahead and download skype then and I'll try it. If it doesn't turn out well, I'll drop the project an let someone else take it. Questions though: The open wall, what is that intended to be? Just an open wall? And the purple circle is a jump pad/lift, right? Nvm that^ I read in the thread that it is.
The Open Wall is intended to be an open window. The map deals with confined spaces and an open window helps make the play space more inviting, makes in a unique location within the map, and aids player orientation. I also envisioned a couple of covy crates in that room for some cover. Again, makes it a more unique location and breaks up all the gray. Also, I don't have the roof pictured, but it's important that the roof compliments the floorspace. In the tunneled choke points, the roof is lower to compliment that space whereas in the lager atriums the roof opens up to give those areas a grandiose feel. The layout is actually a 1x1 scale of the forge objects. (1 meter = 1 FU). I was originally going to build the sketchup using the forge components, and I had gotten a ways with it, but I felt that would influence the way whoever adopted the map would build it. I wanted to leave some challenge in the build to whoever picked it up. Yes, the purple circle is a lift. I don't think a jump pad is necessary in the room. The location of the lift directs people toward the hallway connecting to the open room window, where as the ramp leading from the bottom floor to the same room directs people towards the stairwell the leads to the center floor. Also, I felt a power-up or power weapon, like a grenade launcher would be a good placement in the lift area to give the area greater draw and cause people to drop down in pit, there by giving up the high ground. I want to also mention that most of the ramps are not a standard 2x2 ramp. Most have a depth of 1.5 forge units, which allows floors to go over each other without causing too much fuss with player height. I would have like a depth of 2, but that would have made the ramps too steep and the design would have had to change and be much larger to accommodate for more gradual ramps. A few have a depth of .5 FU to diversify the floor space with out making it a distinct floor. There are two normal ramps I believe. I'm sorry that I didn't illustrate this well in the diagrams. Would it be helpful for you if I labeled floor heights and the angles of the ramps?
Ok, thanks. And I was thinking of adding some type of draw to that pit. And angles and whatnot could be extremely helpful... I'm downloading skype right now, I'll let you know when it's installed and all. Also, was this intended for 1v1/2v2 or more towards the standard 4v4?
Do you mind if I have a crack at this aswell? If there is multiple people making this it might make us build it better
I personally don't mind if you want to take a stab at it. Erupt did call 'dibs' though, so speak to him about it. Maybe you two could collaborate on it. If you like designs like this and want to forge other maps like it I have other designs as well that I'm going to post in the coming weeks, so I'll be sure to make sure you get a good chance at seeing them first. You're right lol. I totally forgot about that since I don't use email that much. I'll let Erupt know. Btw, I'll be adding a few pictures to explain the ramp heights, depths, and angles.
Don't worry eagle, seeing your map now, with only the limited amount made by Erupt, I can say your baby is in good hands. She is turning out amazingly, you will not be dissapoint.
That looks like a really solid design, rusty. I wish you could still play... But I'm excited to see what Erupt can do. Good luck, guys. I'll definitely be watching out for this. Anytime you need a test yall got the gt, or if you need advice, I'll give what I can.