Tactics aren't something you do with randoms. But this guy got the message. Sending the warthog flying and hit it with the lazer. Infact almost killing himself just to get the double. Kinda amazing from what I saw. I don't know just check it out. Amazing Teamwork (Halo:Reach) - YouTube 1st View: My Perspective 2nd View: From a Distance 3rd View: His Perspective
Not really teamwork, just you two both going for the same warthog. He would have lazed it even if you didn't hit it with a sticky. Infact, he probably wouldn't have almost died if you wouldn't have stuck the hog.
Yeah, gotta agree with CHEEZ3 on this one. The outcome wouldn't have changed if you contributed the grenade or not. It was more of 'you changed things up a little' instead of teamwork between you and the laser guy.