This is my latest project. A Rube Goldberg machine in Minecraft. Took forever to make, but it's probably the most advanced of it's kind The Rube Goldberg Machine - Minecraft Gameplay/Machinima - YouTube It's not really a machinima, but I made it so that it felt a bit more cinematic than the average gameplay... Download & more info: If you liked it, please check out my other videos and consider to subscribe if you like what you are seeing Feedback appreciated!
Wow, that's actually really sweet. The ending made me lol 9/10 (since I think you could've gotten some better angles, but that's not that important) Seriously, nice job.
I enjoyed it. Perhaps it could have included some grander scale elements. Like when you have that glass wall with mostly sand behind it except for that path that the water had to go down I thought that was a very neat sight where some other parts weren't all that visually impressive. But that's just a small suggestion, the video is well edited and I humorous ending was well conceived. Kudos to you sir.
You've never seen a wireless redstone signal before? TBH, The music wasn't that great. I don't know, it just seemed too off and too loud.
I disagree. I found the music very fitting. Most Rube Goldberg videos feature a very similar kind of music. Also, too loud? As opposed to what, hearing all the minecraft world sounds?
I love this soo much. /fangirl But seriously, you should make more like this. I really liked the multi use machine that pushed sand, that was inspiring. Maybe for your next one, consider using stuff like tnt and wool fuses?
Yes. I turned the volume up for the beginning because I thought it was going to be a quieter video and then it became really loud. Sound balancing! It's called wireless redstone where you shoot an arrow to pass on a redstone signal.
No, thats not what I mean't. I mean't when the arrow was shot to break the painting as the piece of cloth falls down and sails away.
The arrow shot the painting which made it fall..thats not wireless redstone.. Long Distance, Instantaneous, Wireless Signal Transmission in Minecraft without Mods - YouTube That is wireless redstone