I do not take all the credit for the photos most of them were taken my my friend Trev Moving In My Dream No Fear Ready to Snipe Rest in Peace Your Savior
Nice,it would look really cool if you added a 3d effect on some of those.Just take a screenshot of every different angle and in photoshop or GIMP put all of the screenshots in different layers and fool around with the opacity.
I like the first one the best. The ones at the end... they're whited out too much. Take a look at the screenshots I did. I think I might have used the same technique as you. (The link is in my signature.)
yeah i love that bright light. ive seen it on a few recently and it works really well. most of these pics are amazing
now when he says "nothing to amazing here" its because you have the title "amazing photography" incase you didn't realize... which, for a title like that, i was lead to dissapointment...so please change that for future people... please note, these pictures are not bad...but they are not amazing...
These ones are pretty good, amazing? Im not sure if you can get a screenshot to live up to that. My fav on here would have to be the last one.
All of them look actually really cool. I would have taken the better ones and gotten better angles on them.
My favourite is the my dream one I like how you used the effect to make it dark then had the spartan looking up at it Good job