Amazing Bomb

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AceOfSpades, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's amazing...

    Created by Noxiw and AceOfSpades


    I forget why, but one day, Noxiw and I were bored. So we decided to mess around with the settings to the gametype, Neutral Flag. We set it to about the same settings that are present in finished Amazing Bomb. We then went on to Noxiw's Multicog and edited it so that the capture points were floating in the air. Dubbed "Amazing Flag", we played a 1v1 on Amazingcog and it was... amazing.

    Because we loved our new creation so much, we decided to make it so that it wasn't a modded gametype. We transferred the same settings over to Neutral Bomb. As to why we didn't originally do this, I have no clue. And thus, Amazing Bomb was brought into this world. It was disgusting, trust me.

    Gametype Description

    Amazing Bomb has the sort of settings that you would expect to set for a gametype when you first started up Halo 3 way back in September, 2007. First of all, the gametype is based off of the Neutral Bomb default variant. In the maps made for it, there are three to five neutral bomb spawn points sprawled across the center line of the map. Because of the multiple bomb spawn points, the bomb will spawn randomly at any of the points after each score. This makes for different set-ups to score and allows all of the map to be utilized in gameplay.

    Now, for the part some will cringe at, others' jaws will drop; player movement is set to 300% speed and 50% gravity. Your starting arsenal consists of a rocket launcher and a gravity hammer with infinite ammunition, and regenerating grenades. Go ahead, cringe away. Done yet? Good.

    You're probably wondering why these ridiculous-sounding settings are needed. These settings are this way for a reason. The high movement settings create an atmosphere of... well... chaos, with the rocket launchers, gravity hammers, and grenades only adding to that chaos. These settings allow for the game to be much faster-paced than normal gametypes. We, along with many others, believe that the game is much more fun and hectic than normal gametypes.

    The main settings are:
    • 300% Speed
    • 50% Gravity
    • Rocket Launcher and Gravity Hammer starts
    • Regenerating Grenades
    • Friendly Fire OFF
    • Waypoints visible to everyone
    • Custom Power-Up gives you no waypoint for 30 seconds
    • Instant Detonation
    • 5 second bomb reset time
    • Unlimited Score
    • 4 minute time limit; 2 rounds
    • 30 second Sudden Death
    Now here's the catch. The bomb plant points are floating in the air. They're floating above each base of a map, so much so that you cannot simply jump to them from directly under them, even with the lowered gravity. We have made it so that on each map there are a few different ways to plant and score the bomb. These usually consist of elevated platforms, ramps, or man cannons.


    The bomb will spawn at the beginning of the game and after each score in the middle of the map on one of the three to five bomb spawn points placed across the center. In the game, once you grab the bomb, you bring it back to your own base to plant it. This may seem odd, but we wanted to keep Amazing Bomb as true to the original as possible. The bomb will detonate immediately so other players, beware.

    Now, trust us when we say that your gravity hammer is your best friend. It can be used for offensive and defensive tactics alike. Your rocket launcher is your deadliest weapon. Get used to other players speed, lead your shots, and you'll be able to dominate the battle field. But watch out for grenades flying through the air! They can be hazardous in Amazing Bomb when placed in the right hands.

    The best part about this gametype is that it can be played with any number of players! That's right, you could play a simple 1v1 on smaller maps all the way up to extremely chaotic 8v8 games on the huge maps.

    The Maps

    One thing you have to know about the maps, is that they are all "amazing" maps. We're not boasting. They all have the word "amazing" in front of them. The original maps are not all that complicated, being that they are mostly default maps edited slightly to support Amazing Bomb.

    The original maps are as follows.

    Amazing Valhalla

    Amazing Valhalla supports 6 to 12 players. The various hills coupled with the bases create multiple routes to use to plant the bomb.

    Amazing Standoff

    Amazing Standoff supports 4 to 12 players. The backs of the bases are the popular routes to use while scoring, but other routes may prove to work as well.

    Amazing Trap

    Amazing Trap supports 8 to 16 players. Being asymmetric, there are different routes to each plant point, while the map remains balanced.

    Map Pack 1

    Amazing Halfbox

    By Noxiw
    Amazing Halfbox is a unique Amazing Bomb map in that it has one neutral plant point. Every structure on the map can be fully accessed and scored from. The use of man cannons and jumps, along with a fusion coil launch, create some epic gameplay.

    Amazing Mound
    By MetaWaddleDee
    Amazing Mound is an incredible feat in and of itself, as MetaWaddleDee forged a replica of the huge dune of Sandbox on the opposite end of the map. Featuring some great forging and a few different routes to plant the bomb, this is an Amazing Bomb map you don't want to miss out on!

    There will be more maps to come. Currently in progress are Isolation, Avalanche, and Snowbound.

    Download Amazing Bomb
    #1 AceOfSpades, Feb 26, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
    Given To Fly likes this.
  2. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    I could sense this becoming another popular gametype. Now, I just need to make a map for it...

    I can, right?
    #2 Panncakez, Feb 26, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2010
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    It's like Grifball but worse. *cringes* The only thing amazing about it is that people actually like it.


    Seriously, though, it may have just been the map. I would think these almost-default maps would play better. I hope to get in one of your games sometime soon.
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Amazing Octagon. Do it now.
  5. Gram

    Gram Ancient
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    There really isn’t anything that sounds very awesome about this. 300% speed and 50% gravity with Rocket’s and Hammer, now this definitely sounds familiar. This sounds likes something that those little “noobs” would play. I really do hope that a game type as mentally retarded as this one never, ever gets popular; for all of the reasons listed above.
  6. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Do you feel your opinion is so important that you have to copy and paste this response here too? If so then I may as well do the same... ahem...

  7. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    This poster has obviously NEVER played the game, The game is familiar, but the way it is excecuted is not, you see, every bomb plant point is above the air, back at your base, the fun of this game is stopping the bomb carrier with your hammer (Hammer squeeze) or kill him, not just about running out and getting raped.

    The Rockets aren't overpowered because people runs so fast, and the hammer is more useful than it sounds, mainly used for deflections.

    Just promise me you all play the game before you judge it. When Ace and Noxiw explained it too me I actually left the party because it sounded so dumb (true story), and now I am a huge supporter of this game.
  8. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Played the game, didn't like it.

    Although it's probably because I don't enjoy mini-games where the only way you can do well is if you have host (coughgrifballcough.)
  9. SomeOneinaHat

    SomeOneinaHat Ancient
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    Ha ha, nub probably trys to kill people with the hammer.

    Playing this gametype never gets old... this is coming from somebody why despises griff-ball.
  10. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Yay for me finally being able to see the write-up, great job Ace.
    Glad you guys enjoy it, and FYI, fan-made maps are more than welcomed, we plan on using this thread as list for official maps, and fan-made maps as well. If you make one, let us know, and we'll add it to the list. (With certain exceptions of course, it must not be a pile of rubbish)
  11. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    So are you going to edit lots of maps? Including MLG? lol

    Srsly tho, I'm a bit incredulous, but it seems like a cool idea.
  12. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Added Amazing Halfbox by Noxiw to the original post.

    We're going to be editing a few Bungie maps, including Isolation, Avalanche, and Snowbound. Not MLG maps though... :p

    @Everyone, feel free to create your own custom maps for Amazing Bomb. Just make sure to let me or Noxiw know when you're going to test them so we can see if you did it right.
  13. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    i just thought it'd be funny to play amazing bomb on mlg style maps. i might edit a couple of maps/make a couple myself...
  14. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    ****. I was gonna do Avalanche.


    Eh, Ill think of another map to build it on. Oh, Rat's Nest, now that's an idea...

    Or how about Assembly for 2v2 or 3v3?

    I think I better play this gametype before I make maps for it.
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    If you can get avalanche to work, be my guest, I am struggling quite epicly at it, and yes, you probably should play the game before you make maps for it. :)
  16. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Added Amazing Mound by MetaWaddleDee to the main post.
  17. DTF Katy Perry

    DTF Katy Perry Forerunner

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    This is easily one of my favorite custom games to play whenever my friends get on. It provides hella fun, with a simple idea and concept that AceofSpades and Noxiw both procured from their minds perfectly. I love Amazing Bomb.
  18. Venaven

    Venaven Legendary

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    Sorry for necroposting big time.

    Amazing Halfbox and Amazing Mound were really fun maps for me back in the day. I saw these on GameOver Studios which were featured by Machinima. I didn't even know there were more maps.

    I think I also found Amazing Standoff in someone's fileshare but I can't find Amazing Valhalla and Amazing Trap. Does anybody still have these? And will amazing bomb still be represented in Halo 5 by any of the founders of this gametype?

    At least thanks for this great gametype, I had a lot of fun with friends playing this.
  19. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I'm so glad this was bumped
    Given To Fly, Venaven and AceOfSpades like this.
  20. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    Someone better give this guy an infraction.
    Given To Fly, Venaven and MultiLockOn like this.

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