AMA Houston SX By: vR Iceman Download: Search file share for vR Iceman Supercrosss!! This is the official remake of the 2013 supercross race held in Houston, TX Concept: Creating a track that works in Halo 4 as well as it flows and fells like its real lifecounter part is not an easy task. This track is a remake of all the jumps and rhythm sections but not the scenery. The scenery and backdrop of course is not the same as in real life but the track is a 100% remake. Proof:Layout of the track held in Houston Layout of the Halo 4 Counterpart Well here is the rest of the pictures: Start Start Stretch: First and Second Section: Into Sand Section: Jumping back into start stretch then into next two sections: Rollover into last couple of sections: Finish and jump back into first section: Thank you for looking at this epic supercross track more to come soon!!!