aM laboratory Fun little tone board originally posted by Epic Tusk. Played around with it a little bit and after spending some time with it I noticed you could save your little music creations, just right click and copy. I also noticed that you can draw little pictures in the box and it still sounds pretty cool, and some actually take on the theme of your pic, such as: Smiley guy: 240,3998,126978,8202,17514,34858,37634,37378,37474,37514,37674,19562,122882,8094,240,0 And The *****: 126976,14336,14336,2048,33792,115200,114944,106624,69696,2080,1104,648,264,248,4,2 Just copy the strip of numbers and paste it to the board. Enjoy
256,256,512,66560,33888,122776,8918,9458,119508,36760,66656,1024,512,256,256,0 It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Oh, and for you potheads out there.. 0,0,57472,33024,124256,1984,75768,110590,92152,1984,124256,73984,123008,0,0,0
Who knew Fuuuu man was so cool. 0,0,28676,20484,23020,18744,18864,19952,18960,39808,38400,37344,37296,61756,25068,8196
You ain't gonna get much better than this: 66050,99588,84104,106576,65568,100448,66704,99080,99080,66704,100448,65568,106576,84104,99588,66050
EDIT: oops, lag post? Another good one: 65540,43690,87042,43688,87380,680,87380,40960,84,43688,87040,43688,87380,680,87380,2