So I think to myself mann, I guess I'll try to make a map this time, so I throw some 2x4 down and then use brace larges and walls, like wow this is coming awesome. Then I make rooms then just delete it all because it looks dumb. Like I don't have an imagination when playing Halo.
Perhaps you're just making the wrong type of map. Do what I do: spawn a hog, make some sweet jumps, then build a map around the jumps. Solid gold, guaranteed.
So u deleted that map we were working on the other day?? Hope not. I just think u need the patience. U get nice looking maps going, but you see all the negatives in it and give up. To tell u the truth, Dynasty was looking pretty dumb for a while. But I just dealt with it and slowly progressed to the point where I was proud of the results. Besides, it's good from time to time to let other maps inspire the layout you're going for. Just don't copy it entirely. Also, start with a theme, and a bigger variety of pieces to use in your maps other than 2x4's and braces.
It would probably help to make a basic sketch of your map. When you have a solid concept on paper to reference, it rules out a lot of the trial and error that you may be experiencing.
What you need to figure out Shik is what type of map you love. Mock loves epic hogging and jumps in a big team amp, so he focusses there and excels. It might take some time but you should focus on figuring out what turns you on in terms of Halo maps.
When i will be on we need to forge a good map together , i mean very good , we need to take our time to build it .
Frenchys get the hell online. And shik, when I'm on, too just let me know when u need help. I don't want you have nothing to release when the filesystem gets resolved. Also, it helps when you start with a center piece/area of a map and create some interesting pathways around it.
1. Place a grid. 2. Throw **** around on the grid. 3. Think for three minutes. 4. ????? 5. ****ing Profit.