Made by TyTheBomb with help from Dion94 "Without critical electricity generators like these, New Alexandria would have fallen years before the Covenant arrived." This is my first map I've designed for my Slayer gametype BATTLE. It is pretty much a spin off of Halo 3's Assembly. It features Assembly's symmetrical bases, the Rocket Tower and a bunker on the opposite side. I have added my own twists though. There is now an elevator at the center of the map, and the roofs of the bases are now a strategic playspace. Due to Forge World's restrictions, it is a rectangular map now, but, I feel that this gives it much better sight lines. Anyway, on with the pictures! This the best overview I could get of it since it is in the Coliseum. You can see the center tower/elevator, and the X-shaped legs of Assembly. Up above is the top level, where the DMR is a powerful weapon. This is the top of the Rocket tower. Wait, there isn't a Rocket Lancher There!!!!!!!!!!! I know, in BATTLE, the concussion rifle can now kill in one shot. We thus changed it because no one wants to be reloading a Rocket Launcher all the time, when you can just do 6 straight shots. And here is the Gravity Hammer Bunker. The Grav Hammer is no longer in the center because the elevator is now. This helps circulate the map. There is also a jet pack up top to make the Grav Hammer carrier even more deadly. This the interior of the Red Base. It is empty to keep players moving, but it's narrow alley ways provide great DMR battles. Also, do see those 2 red struts up close. With sprint, you can run up these in BATTLE to flank people. Battle's jumping an running speed have been altered to provide mre tactical jumps. In fact, with sprint, you can get across the map in two jumps. Sprint is definately a game changer on BATTLE. This is the roof of the bases. There are pathways around the back, or you can strut run to get up here. The roof offers unrivaled sight lines, and good hiding spots, and are a very good place to get killing sprees from. These are the bunkers on the floor level. This is where you will find your self respawning quite often as they are very safe. There is either a needler or spiker ammo in each bunker. This is the center tower. It is made of glass so you can see to the other side. This invisibility is only accessible by taking the elevator. There is also a depoyable shield in here. Here is another view of the center tower and the X-legs. The two crates have either a Needle Rifle of a DMR on them. This the elevator entrance (through the shield door). The bottom level is the only way in, and the only way to invisibility. Here is the elevator exit. This is the highest poit on the map, and features a bridge to the rocket tower, and landing pads to either of the bases. This is just a bigger view of the highest level. You can see the elevator exit in the center, and the little bridge to the rocket tower. Weapons List DMR x3 Needle Rifle x2 Mag x2 Concussion Rifle x1 Gravity Hammer x1 Plasma Pistol x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x2 Needler x2 Jet Pack x1 Deployable Shield x1 Sprint x2 Evade x2 Active Camo x1 Health Kit x8 Thats about it. If you are just going to DL for Normal Slayer, I recommend revising the weapons and armor abilities to your liking, but it would be awesome if you'd DL and try out the gametypes. I think you'll really like it. BATLE is like a mixture of CoD and Halo 3. There are many tactical jumps and you really can jump across the map in two jumps. Try t for yourself. Anyways, this is all I have to say for alternate. If you're interested n BATTLE read on, and if not, you can stop reading here and DL. But like I've said, Please download and tell me what you think of BATTLE. BATTLE I know it's a crappy name. Tell me if you think of another one that's better. I'll just take these next paragraphs to tell you about BATTLE. It came into conception when a friend and I started a war on which was better; CoD, or HALO. Battle ensued, and many deaths later, we came to a conclusion... Let's mix the two! We worked hard to mix the quick kills of CoD, and the actual skill it takes to play Halo. For CoD quick kills, we started by removing energy shields. This made frags, melees, and headshots instant kills. Then, we had altered the health and damage tables to make unscoped, automatic weapons worthy opponents of the scoped weapons. CoD damage= Check Now comes the hard part. Making it Haloey. Actually, it was easy since we were already on Halo. We made the jumping and running more like Halo 3's than Reach, which provides way more tactical jumps. We have also altered the radar. Halo Awesomeness= Check The two staring weapons are the Plasma Pistol and the Spiker. These two shield shredders aren't very good in a game with no shields, so that any weapon you pick up is better than these two. Last we changed the scoring system. Now, headshots, assasinations and beat downs get more points. Yay! SO that's Battle for ya. Pleae try it out andI hope you likeit. Thanks and have fun! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Please DL and test 4v4. I designed it for 3v3 and sadly only tested it for that many. Give me some feedback after. Thx.