So this is actually my third remake of Beaver Creek. This time I really wanted to capture most of the game play elements that we all remember from the good old H2 days. Beaver Creek has without question always been my favorite Halo map and I hope that my efforts in capturing visual and gameplay elements stand out and rate this remake up with the best of them. I will be adding a fly through video soon. There really isn't much else to say as I believe we all know what to look for in a Beaver Creek remake. There were some creative names out there for remakes and as it was not taken yet, I had dubbed this remake Alpine Creek. Link to rendered video: : Halo Reach : File Details -overview- -back of blue base- -mid blue base- -entrance of blue base- -behind red base- -red base- -blue base- Enjoy, x2D Nostalgiax
Yea, I know you said you'll add a flythroigh later but this thread will get locked unless you embed that video in like 24 hours. Also I don't know what beaver creek looks like except from the other remakes I've seen so you should still describe the map and explain what's different/improved from the original and talk about how accurate it really is, just sayain!
Sorry, I was kind of rushed to get this posted. I shall have a fly through or game play video up tonight. Is it a new policy to "have" to post a video now? I just need to render my video. I will revise the description when I get back on tonight. Just a quick note; this map plays very closely to the original as in scale/weapon and player spawns and strategic jumps. I have made sure that z-fighting was non existent and that frame rate drops were kept very minimal. In fact I did not notice any drop during play testing.
No, You do not have to post a video. Pictures work fine. And for this map, it looks like all the other re-makes. I really wish someone would spice it up a abit instead of having the same 'ol layout.
They seem to be the "same 'ol layout" because they are remakes of a specific map. There are "revisions" out there as well...perhaps that is what you are looking for? I just love classic maps and remakes are my preference.
This looks well forged...but frankly, im a little tired of all the halo 2 remakes...its just my opinion i know but i think that most of the remakes are terrible for halo reaches gameplay...example....reflection. looks like it was made with attention to detail as far as i can tell (from the couple of screenshots)...but i wonder what great thing you could make with your abilities and a creative idea of your own. (sounds like a challenge to me! =-) anyhow...dont take it the wrong way...just think that beaver creek has been done......completley to death! Keep forging.
Thanks for the feedback. I know this map has been done many times over but it is sure something else when you can play on your own creation and share it with others. My next project will be an original map no doubt, but I just had to do Beaver Creek The video is rendering now as well I have a few more pics to be posted. Stay tuned! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Quick updates: I have added a video walk through and a few more pics. Please take the time to DL and provide feedback. Thank you, x2D Nostalgiax [br][/br]Edited by merge: If someone could inform me how to post the video directly to this page it would be appreciated.
Are you truly a gimptard? Have you even glanced at the requirements? NO VID NECESSARY! Plus, who cares what you want, if you don't like a map, then move not feel it necessary to tell the OP what you wish he had done instead of what he actually is a REMAKE. Google it. GEEZE, People should acquaint themselves with Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3 & ODST if they have to post on a remake map. It's a REMAKE. Remakes SHOULD be as true to the original as Forge will allow; hence, the term "Remake"..... How about some critiques of the map and not YOUR reasons for crying about something else. Also, if you're going to critique a REMAKE but in the same breath state you've never played the original, please do the community a huge favor and STFU ! To the OP.... I have downloaded this map and look very forward to checking it out tonight. From the pics, it looks VERY faithful to the original, which is exactly what a REMAKE should attempt. Some folks just don't get it and unfortunately never will as life progresses......
cool that you are going to make a new map from a new idea...looking forward to it. thats all i was doing was trying to say....that you could do something really neat with an original idea. peace... oh and rms8 looking forward to your "critique"
rms8, Thank you for your comments and I hope you enjoy the map. I did stay as true to he original as I could, and this comes from a very experienced H2 and Beaver Creek player!