Download Alpha is a small, symmetrical, all-enclosed map intended for 2 to 4 players. This is my first map posted and completed in a long, long time, and hopefully it won't get to be that long again. Expect a few more maps by me in the coming weeks and months, maps that are honestly much better than this one. Weapon/Equipment List: BR x 2 Carbine x 2 Plasma Rifle x 2 Magnum x 2 Needler x 1 Mauler x 1 Sword x 1 Plasma Grenade x 4 Power Drain x 1 Bubble Shield x 1 Picture time. A view looking through the front end from outside the map. Another view showing the most of this map possible in a picture. Looking towards the middle from Red Base. Looking towards the middle from Blue Base. From the middle of the map looking towards the Needler/ Bubble Spawn. First Floor on Blue Base, repeated on Red Base. Second Floor on Red Base Second Floor on Blue Base. Sword Spawn. Sorry guys, no action pics this time. Download
This reminds me of TD Harding's Paragon, except on a smaller scale. Good work, has an interesting layout. I'll be back with a gameplay review.Yes, I know it's wierd hearing this from a trainee
I remember testing this and it works well for medium sized parties even though its set up for small games. Lone wolf styled games work nice and team games are ok as well for this map. all the wepons are balanced out and are easily dispatched when need be in this map. Overall its a good map and worth anyones download , you'll play this map more than once guarenteed. :]
I agree 100%. The first thing i thought of wen i looked at this was "paragon" meaning this map must be good. Ill deffinatly DL and give it a go, it looks great for CTF. you get a 4/5 from me excellent job, keep it up! ~BlackhawkO3~
looks sweet and good for meiduim sized partys good interlocking and i cant tell if their geomerging from the oictures so yeah do u sudgest any game types for your map?? looks cool id D/L but my D/L thing is full so i D/L when i find the time to good job thanks
looks great. The interlocking looks perfect, and i really like the fence wall ramp. The gameplay looks good, so 5/5
Nice map! The interlocking seems professional (If there is some profession in interlocking) But really,I like the layout of the map. The light in the two fencewall/single box ramps is a cool little feature. But the best part of this map are all the angles put into it; the roofs, sword spawn, mid. It's great! Once again, nice map!
Man If you say your next maps are going to be better than this, I can't wait! This looks really great. I have to agree with the others, it does remind me a little like paragon. I like the layout and interlocking. Gameplay looks like it would flow well. I rate 5/5
i like this very enclosed with a lot of interlockation and i dont seem to see that much iterlocking and stuff but you know i love you still
Looks fair, some good stuff and some not so good stuff. I like your weapons and grenades list, but try not mixing the sword and the mauler especially for these types of map, which are enclosed. I liked your thought to not add Frags because it would kill the gameplay if you did. Why did you put two fusion coils next to both power weapons? I understand if one is, but two? No no no no . The mauler is uniquely placed by the way.
I put Fusion Coils there because Top Mid (A.K.A. Mauler Spawn) is way too powerful the way it played out, and this gives the people not in control to get control back. And about the Mauler and Sword, it actually worked out nicer than you would think, even I was a bit sketchy about it at first. If you want, you and I can do a Forge-through and you can tell me your issues and I can do my best to fix them. And thanks for the good feedback guys. I just honestly don't feel this map is all that great, I guess I'm my own worst critic. But I have much better things in store, just wait until you see my Conquest Map