First Thing's First. I must appologize to ForgeHub. I somehow missed where the Terms Of Use states: "Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare" Unfortaintly, due to an error on BUNGIE's part (Luke's really) I got caught in the crossairs between Bungie and a jerk spammer that kept posting porn and mess. Rest assure, the ONLY thing I did was report all his bad post and ask the guy to stop. Sadly, Bungie didn't ban his IP and the guy created another account quickly and did it again. I think Iour IPs were simular o something because my GamerTag/User Name was banned with the jerk's. For the last 3-4 years, I've tried everything I could/can to get the error fixed to no avail. This means I can't post in Bungie's forums and must use my FileShare link instead. In sight of this problem, would Forge Hub be so kind to make me an accemption to this rule? Or is there another forum I can use instead of Bungie's Halo.Bungie.Org's perhaps? Also I got a notice that my title 'Alpha 23' is not valid. Can this be explained please? Thank You All and GAME ON!! Alpha 23 is still very early in development. I've learned a LOT since my first attempt of Forge in Halo: Reach. Although this is my 2nd attempt at a map, I'm calling it my 1st Reach map. ^_- Anywho, This is best described as a small map. Meaning there's mot much in way of floors, vehical use, nor Invasion. Red & Blue bases occupy the ends of this room. Originally a drop off point for small cargo, it has since been converted to a training grounds for Marines and Spartans. Once leaving the safty of your base, there is no turning back. You must run, jump, hide, and fight to survive. There are no lack of of power weapons either. Whether you enjoy the glow of the Covenant Energy Sword, the smashing poswer of their Gravity Hammer, or the standard issue UNSC Shotgun you are bound to get a killing spree in at some point. Like to keep distance between yourself and your foe? No problem, There is a Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and a Covie Repulser Rifle as well. Yes there are Plasma Pistols as well as their human counter-parts. Prefer to take to the skies? Both bases hold 2 Jetpacks just outside their safty shields. But don't get too comfortable perching on that catwalk. Each side has a Stationary Plasma Turret with your name on them. each base has a Man-Cannon to help solders reach the other side just a tad bit faster. Guard these cannons however. If the other team gets your flag, then you have little time to stop them! About the map's layout. It's relitively simple. The main floor is where you start and has a sraight clear bath to the other base. Leaving your base's safty, you are forced to either side. On the left (Blue base and right for Red Base) are the Man-cannons. One shoots you to the center where there's a catwalk deviding the sides. You may take a little damage when you land, but it's rare. Next to the cannon is another that takes you up to a higher catwalk and the Sniper. But you don't need to take it to reach the sniper. Just below the center catwalk (an on main floor) there is a large room with shields between the doorways. This is expected to be the main focus point for campers. If you take the opposite path, you will run find a tree (Rocks for Red base) Above is another catwalk but you can't reach it from here without a Jetpack. Head straight instead infront of it and drop down to get the Hammer or Pistol (Red = Sword + Pistol). If you walk around your base's window and head striaght, you will find a platform consisting of Sandbags and housing a DMR and not far from it as a Plasma Pistol. This platform has ramps leading to the hammer (or sword). If you take the large ramp on the other side, you have a straight shot to the other base as well as a shotgun. On the other side of the shotgun you will find another platform holding the Repluser Rigle and below it a Kneedle Rifle. If you decide to go straight for the central catwalk, you will find the Rockets. Reach it's end and you'll find ramps leading up and down to the other base. Great for camping. Why include the Jetpacks? Why to reach the Plasma Turrets of course! They are powerful and have a good line of sight. But don't rely on them much. There is plenty of cover on the lower level and if you can kill anyone on the other levels, then they can surely kill you. Only difference is that they can hide where you can't. Did I mentoin the Rockets? Additional Info Like I said, this map is still in development. But it's also un-tested apart from running through it myself. Before you ask, no, there is no chance of a Plasma grenade getting stuck in the Man-Cannons. ^_^ I thought about adding more catwalks and simplify it more, but didn't want to risk someone dominating the map from them too much. I relaize it looks very open, but it's hard to say forsure without testing it. Once the map's layout is finalized more, I'll update it for other gametypes. Possibly for invasion as well, but doubt it.