Alone In the Cave

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by DeceitfulEcho, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. DeceitfulEcho

    DeceitfulEcho Promethean

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    Hello world! I am finally going through and posting some more of my maps! This mpa is called In the Cave, the gametype is called Alone.

    The basic idea is that the flood are invisible and the map is very dark. It is alot of fun as you get jumped by flood. The humans have infinte AA usage, which is Regen Field. The regen fields produce an eerie green light, allowing them to see better. Humans also have Shotguns and BR's. Looking down the sight gives a night vision like effect.

    Reccomended Players: 2-8

    Hope you guys enjoy!

    You can find this on my fileshare (Gamertag is Deceitful Echo)
    Also here is a video of gameplay here
    #1 DeceitfulEcho, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  2. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    DUDEBRO, I LIKE. Gonestly though this looks awesome, thanks a bunch, also good job of making it so dark, I've been working on a map of my own on Impact and I'm having trouble getting it as dark as I want.
  3. DeceitfulEcho

    DeceitfulEcho Promethean

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    Thanks! Also here's a tip, use dynamic lighting to your advantage, put a box around the area to block off all light. Also the Juicy+Colorblind combo darkens the entire map. Also if you like this one check out all the other map variants for this gametype (In the Dark, In the Dust, In the Fog) Not all of them are on my fileshare I dont think. I might post them all up soon.
    #3 DeceitfulEcho, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  4. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Ok cool, I'll try that, thanks, and yeah I'll be sure to check them out.

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