Hey, I'm new to forgehub. I have looked around the site for around a week and read some tutorials and stuff, it seems pretty interesting so I decided to join =D. I make alot of random maps. I am easily entertained, I really like town/urban maps. I HATE internet slang (lol, omg, etc). So yeah, that's about it.
ZOMGWTFBBQGoOLOLHAX I couldn't resist. Anyways welcome to Forge Hub. My suggestion is to ignore Ne4mihara, and to message SargeantSarcasm at least 2-3 times a day for Recon.
Also, you should PM spam the TXGhost about when he's going to give me back those 4 hours I wasted playing Ghost Golf with him. =/
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU and lol Nemi you could waist another 5 hours playing stupid flag soccer where you put the ball in and go up and get the flag with my firend i want those hours back to