
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Astiir, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Hello, I’m Astiir, this is my map Alma. It is an asymmetrical map with a struggling design I wish to improve on Forge Island, which is why I have come here for some advice. I hope it looks ok, as this is my first completed map on Halo 4!
    [​IMG][/URL][/IMG] [​IMG][/URL][/IMG] [​IMG][/URL][/IMG] This is all I’m showing as I’m expecting some major changes :p Feedback is greatly appreciated, good or bad :]
    Download: File Browser Halo Official Site
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    • I would consider moving the sender node to strut room, removing the jump pad in bottom mid, and moving the sniper to that position. The former gives players too quick an escape route after grabbing the power weapon. I doubt it would help too much, but the setup i mentioned would be a little better, IMO. The same can be said about the jump pad; you don't want to offer players an immediate advantage after they retrieve a power weapon.

    • I would attempt to incorporate some better connections onto the reciever platform. Another plus to repositioning the sender to strut room is that it puts immediate LoS between it and the reciever node. With that, you already have a makeshift connection. Nevertheless, I would still consider turning the strut jump into a hard route connection just to allow more comfort for players that are pushing on the aforementioned platform.

    • The weapon timers are far too high, IMO. The predominant goal for players during gameplay is to control different points around the design effectively, thus there needs to be appropriate counters (this includes deterrents) for said control points to enhance flow, further promote movement, and create balance. The primary problem with the current timers is that they limit the viability of the power weapons being counters to a team effectively exhibiting upper level control simply because they respawn so few times. Adjusting the timers accordingly to the predetermined path that you wish for players to take would not only make the weapons a more effective counter (due to the fact that they would need to respawn faster to accomplish the former), but it would also emphasize full map control as opposed to upper level control (in the case that the railgun be moved to a lower level /cough). With all that said, I would also consider including another power weapon somewhere if you can.

    • The only large problems I found with the design were the lack on connections and amount of seperation between the upper levels. The unfortunate thing is, however, that only resolving one would make the other more of a problem (opening up LoS between each room would create standoffs if players didn't have immediate connections between said rooms | opening up connections without opening up LoS to match would offer players to many options of escape and create cat n' mouse styled gameplay). My only suggestion would be to scale the design up some so that you can incorporate an upper level to the center that bridges each room together while opening up windows in the appropriate positions.

    Overall, I liked it quite a bit. Shoot me a friend request on XBL so we can play this some time, mang. gt: basketskate3
    #2 Auburn, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2013
  3. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Thank you foryour helpful feedback, I am fully aware of the poor weapon placement/timers, Iwas intending on changing them but never got round to it :p
    As for the poordesign, I'm not exactly very too experienced (I’m only fourteen :p ), thatbeing said I was planning on redesigning the map and completely rescaling themap, hopefully that might help make changing things easier such as the height variation.
    Thank you foryour helpful words, I will shoot you that Friend request soon :]
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Are you on my friends list yet? If so, get on there now; I want to play on this map with you. I'm "thealm0ndkiller".

    Very clean. From the screens, it doesn't look like a FI remake is necessary.

    None of the geometry visible in the screenshots has anything iffy about it. I'll take a look at this in a bit and get back to you.
  5. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Already on it, thanks :] I'm planning on redesigning it in some form, could use big improvements :p
  6. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
    Senior Member

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    [​IMG][/URL][/IMG] Just started Alma FI, should I continue with this project or scrap it?
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Walked through the map in forge; my feedback is largely Auburn's. I would like to see more verticality, fewer jump pads, and more connections on this map.

    I can go more into depth if you join me on the Xbox sometime. It'll be easier to work out stuff in-game.
  8. Bloodshot

    Bloodshot Promethean

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    I love the look of that structure, so smooth and well-forged. Continue!
  9. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    I will check out your version on Impact, feel free to send me an friend request too and I can help test your FI map when it's done. My GT is StolenMadWolf.
  10. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Sounds good, there wasn't much thought went into the design unfortunately, I was desperately trying to get a map done :/

    Hahaha, thanks... will do then :]

    I'll send you one later, glad you can help :D
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is it intended for 1v1-2v2? Because you may want to expand a little in your FI rebuild if your intended player count is higher. Though, the palette on Impact is generally better IMO, if possible I would suggest just rebuilding on Impact again.

    Everything else has really been said, though I do like the jumper idea, just not the amount of them.
    #11 Aschur, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  12. Astiir

    Astiir Promethean
    Senior Member

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    The map was first intended for 1v1, but that didn't turn out. I'm just gonna stick with 2v2, just need to fix the map in general and scale it up a bit... although I didn't set up spawn zones.

    Not sure either to go with FI or Impact, I'll probz only think of FI once it's completed on Impact...

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