Alleyways is a mid-sized map set is the decaying alleys of a once proud city. The map supports all gametypes except VIP. Weapons: Carbine x7 BR x2 S-Beam x2 Sniper x2 Beam Rifle x1 Rocket x1 SMG x2 Spiker x4 Warthog x1 (Assymettric only.) Power Drain x2 Regen x2 Bubble Shield x2 : Halo 3 File Details
You can't really see much from the pics... could you post more pics maybe? And maybe a description of the map too? I would like to know more about the map if I am going to download it. It has Sentinel beams on it, so I'm interested, but need more icing to the cake.
Good point by superduper. If you do put up some pics I suggest a map overview so that you can see the entire map. If you do put up some pics I will check back and if it seems like a good map I will download
I tried getting an overview, but I couldn't get that camera glitch to work. Here is a pic of the other base: I'll grab more next time I'm on LIVE.
From the pics you have, this map looks like it would be far better for infection than slayer. Also the forging in the first pic looks slightly sloppy.
I dont agree (guy above ^) I think this would make a good infection map, but i also would like playing slayer on this map, it looks like you need some tactics and thats what slayer maps need, otherwise its just conquest. Deff d/l it looks very well made. I'll comment more after checking it out
yeah IMO it looks a little sloppy, can you not go up in one of the top corners to take an overview as i realli dont have a clue what going on... also, and this is just my opinion, is that competitive maps should be viable for matchmaking, and I dont think sentinel beams are allowed reli... apart from that, yeah its a good first try, more pics and a description please! 2/5
The S-Beam is allowed in MM, check ATLAS. Alleyways wraps itself around with winding streets. All buildings are fully explorable. And the center structure makes a great sniping platform.