Alleyways is a cramped, urban themed map. it Requiers quick thinking and the abillity to work together. Now then, at this point you may be saying "Um, mister Yar, this looks an awful lot like that 'Snipers on the Rooftops' preview..." And you would be right. This is the MP map version of Snipers. The major differances between this and Snipers is that in this the buildings are merely falling apart; in Snipers the allready have.
I can already see that the 2 Choppers will be dominant. Please, do you really need 2 right next to each other? Other than that, I like urban themed maps, and this one looks average, not good, not bad, but not like anything I've seen before.
Actually, the choppers usually get owned No room to avoid any attacks. 'bout the only vehical that can rack up some kills is the warthog and it only appears in 1-sided games.