Hello Forgers, instead of going with another Foundry map and having it get lost in the crowd I decided to try for a different approach and go with the least loved map in the new Map Pack, Rat's Nest. The Map This map is set in one of the long corridors where the vehicles usually drive. When I first saw these corridors my mind went straight to thinking, CTF. One of my favorite game types is CTF so of course I had to make this. To go along with the CTF game I made an Assault game too. I also wanted to try something different, and make it with multiple game types, which I have failed at in the past. The three game types: Alley Flag: This is a simple, but pleasing, Multi-Flag game going straight up and down the long corridor, mentioned earlier, which I refer to as the "Alley". You have two bases with a machine gun turret on each and a mongoose at each base. At the top/ middle of the Alleyway you reach barriers and a power-up which will slow you down, but give you a good boost in armor to get to their flag. This will play like a normal Multi-Flag game. The "Alleyway" The Base The Middle OneFlag (Alley): This is the gametype that I feel is the most enjoyable. Where the two bases are, one at each end of the Alleyway is where the Attackers spawn, the twist is they are split from each other at random. Both groups are trying to reach the middle now fortified with two turrets and a decent amount of weapons. The Defenders (the people in the middle) now spawn in the middle of the entire level, which has now been opened up. They have a Grav Lift to take them to the middle and there they defend their flag. This will play exactly like a One Flag game. The Turrets The Grav Lift The Fortifications The Flag Alley-Sault: The final gametype is an Assault game. Played just like the AlleyFlag (Multi-Flag) game, except with bombs. I really made this to give some love for the assault since there isn't to many assault games out there. The Before The After End Well this is my map hopefully you Forgers will enjoy this map, if you find anything wrong let me know I am always trying to improve. Download Alleyway (Map) Alley Flag (Multi-Flag) OneFlag (Alley) Alley-Sault (Assault)
This looks farely well made and balanced, and i agree that assualt needs to be shown some love. Also, is there a way for me too book mark this post or something? I can't DL yet cuz i maxed out my custom objects in Halo 3 i was hopig i could bookmark this or something and DL later.
Thanks, and about the bookmarking, just bookmark this page on your web browser thats the only solution I have for your dilemma.