
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mearm, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Map made by: Mearm

    Alleyway is a map made to keep you on your toes. When fighting in this map, it's always an advantage to get the high ground first. If you are on the low ground, watch out from above, the enemy can get to almost any area on the map from above. Also, many of the better weapons are on the upper areas of the map.
    Weapons on the map include: 2 maulers, 2 plasma rifles, 2 spikers, a sniper, a shotgun, 4 SMGs, 4 assault rifles, a brute shot, 2 plasma pistols, a machine gun turret, a plasma cannon, 4 battle rifles, a carbine, a needler, and 2 magnums.
    Equipment on the map includes: a bubble shield, a power drain, a regenerator, a trip mine, a grav lift, a deployable cover, 6 frags and 4 plasma grenades.
    This map is very narrow, so you really only have one way to go, but with multiple levels, you can go multiple ways. The format of the map is set up so that there is almost always more than one way to reach an area.
    This map has been tested to show that there are very little camping spots that can't be reached by more than one path, so camping is difficult on this map. During testing, we also found a little secret camping spot, but you will have to find that yourself. We will give you a hint though; its high up in the map.
    This map is one made for at least 8-16 people, and is compatible with any gametype. There is an asymetrical twist on the map too. The stairways that lead up to each of the main bases is blocked by a window panel during an asymetrical gametype. This can prove difficult to get around, but like I said earlier, there is almost always more than one way to get to any place on the map.
    One more thing. When playing any infection gametypes on this map, there is a small difference in the way the game is played. The humans start in the attacker base, and the zombies start in the wall. The zombies can't get out because there is a shield door and a grav lift blocking the way to the teleporter out of the wall. (Note that there are fusion coils behind the grav lift.) This lasts for about 30 seconds until a fusion coil drops outside and destroys the fusion coils in the wall behind the grav lift, setting the zombies loose. This is a very scary map to play zombies on, I assure you.
    And now, for some gameplay screenshots.
    The reason why height is the advantage in this map.
    I'm not sure about anybody else, but I think sniping from one of the bases is a bad idea.
    A trap. He should probably have grabbed the needler above him before going down there.
    Battle of the beasts: who will win?
    Why, I ask myself during this shot, did i pick the machine gun turret?​

    This map was made solely by me, but I did have help at some points. Parune helped me get the last of the map done (setting gametypes) and came up with some good ideas for the map. As far as gameplay goes, I'm pretty certain that it would be a fun map to fight on. This is my first post, so comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Have fun!
    (I am the one in steel and yellow armor, Parune is the one in green and white)​

    #1 Mearm, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
    Bottlecap likes this.
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey this looks nice, I think that it would be best for 1on1. There are places throughout the map wher you could have interlocked and geomerged to make the map seem more a lot cleaner
    good job
  3. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Great for a first map, better than alot of maps i see around here, gameplay looks good. Good interlocking in their too ;)
    Real nice, 4.5/5
  4. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Looks like a neat 1v1 map.
    I wouldn't have made the turrets so close and facing each other.

    However I like the compacted layout that makes height so valuable.
    I can also see how this would be fun for infection, either humans on top or on bottom (two entirely different experiences, either just defense or just fight for your life turning every corner and constantly watching the skies

    Oh and welcome to Forge Hub!
  5. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Neat map, cool claustraphobic look. Very interesting and unique, great for a first map. maybe you should put some good weapons on the lower level so people have a chance down there...

  6. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    The overall structure looks very organized and well put together. However, I don't see this as being possible with 16 people. The map is simply too small. 2v2 or 3v3 is what I would play it with max.

    The weapon placement looks very good however, and the layout looks great overall. Multiple ways to get to the top of the map, and really not that many places where camping can occur. Adding a few BRs next to the teleporters would be nice though.

    If you were to make the teleporters two-way, that could add a whole new way to play this map. If you don't though, I would say remove them since they are useless and not adding anything to the map.

    Overall, I like this map a lot. Looks very good for some future games. 4/5
  7. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    The teleporters are used in infection games only, and they are set to appear in asymetrical games only, so really, the teleporters dont have a use unless they are used in infection
  8. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Nice... all the maps like these just draw me near. I love the entire presentation form the screenshots, you have some nice angles in those action shots. And this really does remind me of Urban, but I'm sure it is better due to its expanded play area. So far, I'm expecting this map to be great, and interesting combination of well made and placed high and low points. So, I am going to download this, play it, and come back here and post a follow up.
  9. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    Alright, disregard that comment then.
  10. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    The map has great interlocking and seems really small. I really like it how you put only two power weapons on the map. It looks pretty clean even though there isn't that much interlocking. Maybe you can put some fusion coils in the map at key points that way it will make it alot more fun.
  11. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    it looks really good, 4.5/5, but im just noting that theres no way this is good for 8-16 people, no foundry map is, there just not that big, but it still would be a great map for 2v2
  12. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    The map is very nice and is very small and cramped in. 4.1/5, I will download and come back with a better review later, ;)

    EDIT: The map is very nice and clean, However, I do not like the way the Plasmam Cannon and Machine Gun Turret and very close by to each other. Other than that, It is very creative and fun to play on. Keep Forging!!
    #12 STEClash96, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  13. Ghost AE

    Ghost AE Ancient
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    This map seems to like a good 1 on 1 map. Its really cluttered and your merging and interlocking could have been better in places. Other than that it's really nice.
  14. fergfighter

    fergfighter Ancient
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    wow i think this is an amasing map for
    a start although it could use a lot more
    cleaning up it could make an exellent v2.
    hey it could even have a feature good luck
    lower the guns september 25th
  15. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    first let me say, nice job. the map constantly keeps you on your toes. however, it seems like its a little small. if this map were a little bigger, you could play it with more people and have it be REAAALLy intense as opposed to so-so intenseness. otherwise, its beastly
  16. The Flappy

    The Flappy Ancient
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    This is good but just delete those turrets other wise I love the map
  17. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    I see what everybody means by this map not being good for 16 players, and I agree. 8-16 was the amount I normally used but that is definately not the case on this map. It would be chaos with that many people. Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

    I am actually making a variation of this map called Building Brawl (It's on my maps list) that will be wider and will have bigger bases. Just keep an eye out for it when I complete it.

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