ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US Created by Whats A Scope Download Gametype Download Map Variant -Gamevee Video Coming Soon- Color Coded Table of Contents Name Back Story Map Description Gametype Info Pictures Name
Okay, first and foremost, I dang near died laughing at the name. The map itself im sure plays well, but couldnt people just blow down Froman and walk right past, or is it blocked from the other side? I need to know that before I make any judgements.
No they can't. Lol. The objects have teles on them to make them immovable. Also there is no grenades or explosive weapons on the map.
Cool, i haven't seen somebody attempt a pre DLC map in a long time. this map is perfectly executed in design gameplay and concept. FOR a pre DLC map this is a work of art and a masterpiece. keep the good maps rolling scope.
this map looks ok, how long did it take u to make this? im not sure if it is worth me downloading. i just dont see this as a replayable map. srry. oh also my xbox is acting funny so i wont be downloading anything any way
HAHAH!! I can't believe you named the map this. That's so awesome. And the map itself looks like a lot of fun (especially with 200% gravity and 125% speed in a tactical map). I know that the attackers need to obtain the defenders' base, but how many territories are there? Is there one, and if so, does it take long to capture? I imagine, with only one way into the base, and one territory, it would be aggravating to capture (unless I'm wrong, lol).
Very, VERY original =DDDDDDDDDDD this map is epic winsauce, its actually one of the best looking maps ive seen on last resort =p looks very fun, and the name is just gave mai sex-box rrod =D (made no sense) insta dl. looks very fun! 4.5/5 =]
I love Non dlc maps and this one looks really good. Not to mention tactical gametypes are one of my favorite kinds I still can't believe that you picked that as your name... totally forgot about that whole thing lol
Decent map. Don't jump into the open box though, you can't get out. And did you really have to choose TWO pictures of me getting head-shotted by you? I mean... really?
Good job scope. i like how its non dlc that impresses me but you should have waited week 2 of the pre dlc contests map was last resort. oh well. im sure this map plays good invite me some time so i can make a good review on it. wait actually i will dl it.
That was my first though when I saw the contest. Then I saw that it was a certain map. Not Last Resort. Oh well. I have another map for that =p. Thanks for the d/l.
This looks really fun. Now no forge techniques are used and somehow I still like it! I like the time you spent thinking about certain areas of this map. Now pics are good and a lot of them are better, but random head shots do not show off your map or it's gameplay! Good post great map! -Irish
The map looks very fun!! I can tell the gametype is very fun too good job. I wonder how long it takes people to make map on the default maps instead of the heroic maps. Great job though. Looks fun, can't wait to play on it!!!
All righty then. I can make my judgement now... All this map are belong in my hard drive! Cheers! Desert Rat 852
Au contraire mon ami, it takes a few old school techniques to make things work on the Pre-DLC maps. Give it a go yourself perhaps, you might be surprised what you can come up with when you momentarily let go of foundry et al. We're all spoiled with this interlocking and geomerging business! I know the last post was a week ago, but his map deserves more recognition, if not for anything else but that you took the time to create a fun experience on an old map. Kudos to you and I hope there's more to come from yourself and the rest of the community. x
Once more, the FH resident sock monkey speaks truth. This really does deserve more recognition, just because of the work alone that went into it. And another message... All this map should bel0ng in all ur hard drives! Cheers! Desert Rat 852