A montage, all kills are with a Plasma Pistol. Im super cereal guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgYL_SqAmiM&eurl=http://www.bungie.net/News/Blog.aspx?mode=news&feature=player_embedded Insane! This guy gots 200+ PP kills in MM! And I have 0.
I saw this. It was featured on bungie.net it's kinda funny, but no awesome editing or anything still plasma pistol kills=lol
It takes one overcharge shot and 19 regular shots to get a PP kill. 19 shots ith no shields! NINETEEN! I've only got one Social PP kill. And it was on a guy who was away. Oh well. I like the part where he immobilised the Banshee the enemy got in and still killed him with a PP. Amazing!
lol I was GOING to make a pistol only montage, but nooooo, a loser just like me has to do it before I do. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU
A few of them look that way, don't they? It'd be a shame if these were set up. I want to see his b.net profile. if he has over 200 ranked Plasma Pistol kills, then they aren't fake. He may just be playing on a 2nd account against newbies.
doodes, i just checked the B.net account of his: conorlfcmd91 and its all legit! wtf!? he is a plasma GOD
Idk he still does a lot of dual weilding to get some of those kills, its basically weaken sheilds with mauler/smg then plasma pistol from a distance ftw. some might say oh this is awesome! i say this is retarded because if you were smart you would just finish them easy with the smg or mauler and not screw around with the pp
This was pretty good, even though some of them look kinda set up as said above. I don't believe I ever use the plasma pistol without dual wielding, and even if I did, I don't remember it. lol. Great Vid.