I've got a question. In the images it says that the count for the Gadgets menu is inherit. Does this mean we can have 4 of each type of shield door/one-way shield door, or can we only have 4 total shield doors and 4 total one-way shield doors?
Awesome, nice work. Is it a full list of everything? Can you really only get red and yellow flashing lights, because I'd really like a blue one
winnar. and im officially putting you in my sig when my request comes in bro. its gonna say I <3 HC Deathroll. i cant believe it has everything. probably the best thing about reach since the forge world vidoc.
Inherit means that each object has an individual limit, when there's a number, that means that is the overall count. And if your Request was for all the images, I've already made them. http://derek.freemansicepick.com/Forge/Screenshots/
maybe I'm just missing something, but how do you go through the menus? I can't get anywhere other than the starting page.
umm...I've tried clicking on them, but it hilights the text. I don't have any buttons or anything like that. I'm using IE 7, I have no idea if that changes anything.
Wow this is great. You win an internet! Now, I would really appreciate it if you could answer 2 simple scale questions for me. In terms of the block units(you know, how many 1x1 blocks) what are the dimensions of the coliseum wall and how far apart are the waterfalls(from edge to edge). So yeah, if you have time I'd really like to know those 2 things
I honestly cannot see why this is still open. I mean the content he linked too is leaked. (The screenshots)
thats what i was wondering. i got in trouble for telling people the name of a youtube channel that had leaked video's. he just blatently posted the link and said hey "did i also mention i made this". I do appreciate him posting this but.......... I honestly think this should get locked otherwise the admins are gonna look like hypocrites for yelling at me about it.