Holy POOP! Elites' badassary level is so much more intense than spartans! I love you for finding this video. EDIT: this was a redirected post from another thread in the reach discussion forum about armour customization, I did not know this was three weeks old, no infract pl0x?
Orgasmic. I vote we forgive Nox cus i wouldnta seen this without him so that makes him a total badass in my book. Just sayin... And damnit, now i have a reason to be a dinosaur! Unfortunatly, so does everybody else.
I am aware its in the update, but im gonna leave this here: - you can choose between several full-model customized elite variants. - no individualized customizing. - your elite inherits your spartans colors. - elite variants unlock with rank, no charge for credits. - you can choose which species [spartan/elite] you prefer to play as in gametypes that include both, but its not definite. you are merely choosing the weighting so that you have a better chance of playing which you prefer.