this is a map my friend made so he wanted me to post it i am so sorry he has no pics so its a really cool map dont bann me please its not my fault theres no pics : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing i really hope you enjoy please comment im not trying to disrespect forgehub ok enjoy. my friends name is MICHAEL007154 on this is cops n robbers
then take some. this thread will be closed in24hrs unless you do. its not up to me. once you have some pm me and i'll tell you how to do it.
i dont have the map and i cant get it beacuzz i have full maps and i dont want to delete any beacause forge hub people made them and they rock
hmm. tell him to take the pics. and if its your laziness, you don't belong here, cause you have to have a description and pics, otherwise people wont want your map
just let me say that all of the colered bar people like soggydoughnuts and truedarkfusion are map masters and they are cool <__>
Please, no more posts concerning pictures. They might as well be considered spam. Let the map poster deal with it.
u need to put in pics and you should also make a working hyperlink because otherwise nobody will download your map
don't double post, and i guess theres no point in puting pics on now, becuase noone will ever see this map again