Author: InnerSandman13 Map Name: Alkalai Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Medium Player Count: 2-6 Supported Gametypes: King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer __________________________________________________ Description: I was inspired to have a spiritual successor to Halogen because it was to jumpy and small so I increased the size of the map and made the map less jumpy. The most annoying part was getting those floating stone bridges just right. Weapons: 4 BR's 30 sec 2 clips 1 Shotgun 120 sec 0 clips 1 Sniper Rifle 150 sec 2 clips 2 SMG's 30 sec 2 clips 2 Spikers 30 sec 2 clips 2 Magnums 30 sec 2 clips 1 Plasma Pistol 90 sec 2 Plasma Rifles 30 sec 1 Needler 60 sec 2 clips 1 Brute Shot 120 sec 2 clips 3 Carbines 45 sec 2 clips 1 Fuel Rod Gun 180 sec 0 clips Equipment: 6 Plasma Grenades 10 sec 1 Regenerator 150 sec 1 Radar Jammer 120 sec 1 Power Drain 90 sec Side info: 32 spawn points 1353 dollars used OLN reached Pictures: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152. Link:
Well i can tell from what i see that you have put thought and care into your map... Some of the parts look pretty messy such as your stone bridge (sorry) and some of the walls. I think the a fuel rod gun would be way over powered on this map and that you should have replaced it with rockets. I really dont like your scaffholding area as it looks unorganized and sloppy, i would have just built normal floors.
The thing is that the fuel rod isn't overpowering. This is because the fuel rod doesn't kill in one hit. It takes two good hits. So at best you can get only 3 kills because in the third kill you shoot then beat down.
you friggin posted it i told u patience is the key........3 minutes later u post it. *sigh* well sandman, its not that good, there are way too many plasma nades on 10 second spawn. (10 plasma nades) and it is very sloppy, example: stone bridges, scaffolding area.... etc etc dont post it so quickly. do realize I got rid of some of the grenades? Look at the list before posting. And besides, I can't add more stone bridges to the gap because of the OLN. But I'll see what I can do.
Dude this is a bad ass map. I can see you warkd hard on it... But the merjing cude get better. So I giv 4.5 of 5.0
Wow. This map is really sloppy, you could have easily taken more time to interlock, because you obviously know how, and use double walls as strait edges (like a ruler to draw lines). It helps. You know what? YOU just lost the game. Hah. What now?
Looks like a great layout. Gameplay should flow. My only advice is to take more pride and time in your merging, what's the rush? Don't undermined a good map layout with rushed execution. You will end up with shotty gameplay(ex. nads through cracks in the floor)-cant have it. Keep in mind when making a map of the palyability and flow of the map, to me the two most important things needed in a map for Halo . It looks like you have promising forging capability just clean things up a bit. One more thing. Your weapon choice for such a small map could be toned down a bit. Less nades and less rifles. I would also change sniper to one clip. Looks like a great layout. Gameplay should flow. My only advice is to take more pride and time in your merging, what's the rush? Don't undermined a good map layout with rushed execution. You will end up with shotty gameplay(ex. nads through cracks in the floor)-cant have it. Keep in mind when making a map of the palyability and flow of the map, to me the two most important things needed in a map for Halo . It looks like you have promising forging capability just clean things up a bit. Looks like a great layout. Gameplay should flow. My only advice is to take more pride and time in your merging, what's the rush? Don't undermined a good map layout with rushed execution. You will end up with shotty gameplay(ex. nads through cracks in the floor)-cant have it. Keep in mind when making a map of the palyability and flow of the map, to me the two most important things needed in a map for Halo . It looks like you have promising forging capability just clean things up a bit.
Before you preface your judgement with false information, maybe you should read the description. Don't be a ****. I didn't find it to be all that lsoppy either when I walked on it. I could care less about some of the interlocking and the spacing almost seems intentional. I like it.
Change made to Scaffoldings and are now interlocked some other minor changes have been made as well. Link also updated. Proof:
Thank you sandman, much better, i believe i played the v2 with you, although you may want to adjust the spawn time of the plasma nades, 30 or 20 seconds. But yes, it is mucho bettar nao, tho i do not know where each teams base is, therefore it is dubbed more of a KOTH/Slayer map, for which it works very well. there are still some things you could touch up on, like the stone platforms and the upper lift area, not shown in the piczorz. and Furry, no need to call anybody a ****, I dont belive you have had multiple testing sessions and/or have played the map with sandman and multiple tester guild members yet. And why would the description make me change the way i originaly posted, I read the description and went over it multiple times. I r haz no tolerrancy 4 ur underestimatorz
I called you a **** and my reasons were valid. I've had multiple testing sessions. The description would tell you that he removed some grenades. You act like you're superior to me because you're in the Tester's Guild. Who cares? You don't need to be apart of it to test a map...