Sandbox Alizarin

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zombievillan, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Built by zombievillan
    Thanks to Vorpal Saint for the layout idea


    Supports all gametypes but is recommended for 2v2 Team Slayer, Oddball, KOTH and 3v3 Team Slayer, Oddball, CTF and Assault.

    Map Description
    Alizarin is an asymmetric map in the sky bubble that was designed mainly for a team doubles map that would also cater to 3v3 gametypes. It focuses on quite a bit of close quarters battles while at the same time holding mid to long range capabilities. There are many wide windows all around from room to room making for some interesting lines of sight and making many rooms highly defensive.

    How the map came about
    A few weeks ago Vorpal Saint came to me with a map layout he had thrown together. It was the entire floor plan with a single layer wall surrounding it. It wasnt interlocked or anything, it was just a rough draft so to speak, but you could see the entire map and what it was gonna look like by looking at the layout.

    He said that, for personal reasons, he would not be able to get on X-BOX live for awhile. So he asked if I would like to take over the map. I liked what I saw so I agreed to take over and I started building the map you see here.

    I started with the painful process of interlocking the entire floor and startting countless games of forge over and over again to take care of the infamous flickering problem that can be so annoying. Once that was finally taken care of, I started the walls. Now the plans were to have the wall slits sideways all around the entire map so they would be windows that you could shoot through. Everyone knows that the slits are too high for this, so I had to lower and interlock the entire wall system within and surrounding the entire map. This took very long and was quite annoying but the end result was nice.

    Shortly after this, Vorpal showed up back online and he gave me an idea of the weapon layout he had in mind. So when I had completed all of the forging of the entire map, I threw down the weapon layout he showed me and testing commensed. After some games we found that the weapon setup didn't work as well as planned so I made the changes neccesary and came up with the current weapon layout. I ran the changes by Vorpal and he he made some suggestions as well. So we agreed on a few changes to the weapons and then we discussed some more ideas in which we could have a roof on most of the map. So I changed a few things here and there and then I added in the ceiling. I then set up all the spawns and spawn areas myself also and made some adjustments and tweaks and Voila! We have a finished product.

    On to the Pictures
    Here are some overview pics of the layout with the roof removed as well as some of the walls to give you a better view of the entire map.



    Defenders base



    Attackers base



    Middle open area



    This room is just outside the attackers base. The left door takes you to the center of the map, the right is another path to the defenders base which holds the Oddball spawn as you can see.


    Oddball/nuetral bomb spawn


    The Sniper spawns in the tunnel by the Defenders base

    which leads to the Overshield room


    which leads to the center of the map or the the other room out side the Attackers base. This room houses the Shotgun.

    Weapon setup

    4 Battle Rifles-------2 spare clips------10. sec
    2 Carbines----------2 spare clips------10 sec.
    2 SMGs-------------2 spare clips------20 sec.
    1 mauler------------1 spare clip-------90 sec.
    1 Shotgun----------0 spare clips-----120 sec.
    1 Sniper Rifle-------1 spare clip------120 sec.
    1 Rocket-----------0 spare clips-----150 sec.

    1 Overshield---------------180sec.
    1 Regenerator------------120 sec.
    1 Power Drain------------120 sec.
    4 Spike grenades----------10 sec.

    Special Thanks
    First off I want to thank My lovely wife for not divorcing me when I spend so much time building maps, and for being so HOTT!!!!! Then I want to thank Vorpal Saint for passing this map to me because I wouldnt have built this if he had not designed the original layout himself. So a big thanks goes out to him. Thanks for picking me to help you with this map.

    I also want to thank all of the people who helped test because it was a major pain to get a testing party together. All of those from the testers guild who accepted my random game invites and ACTUALLY stayed, thanks alot guys. Also thanks to Chris and Adelyss for all of their griping and yelling at me, (LOL) J/K.

    Thats it, hope you enjoy it. All comments and feedback are welcome, preferably by people who actually play the map. The link is at the top of the page if you missed it.
    #1 Zombievillan, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  2. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map! Good job vorpral on the layout the only flaw I see is on the first pic. You can G-nade jump over the wall and hide on one of the corners. I suggest you add an extra layer of walls (If you haven't ran out yet). I love the looks and I can't wait to play it!
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, looks amazing dude... I love the way you made that doorway with the four or five half walls, it looks godly... I'm gonna get a game up on it when I get home.
  4. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    It looks realy impressive, im downloading it as i speak (type).
  5. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    The entire map has a roof on it FYI. It says it right above the first pic. Thats why you must read the post along with looking at the pictures.

    The map itself looks great! My favorite part would probably have to be the blue base where the blue flag spawns. That corner area just looks so clean. The catwalks/outside walkways reminds me a lot about blackout. I could see this being really fun with CTF or KOTH.

    Overall-Great work!-4.7/5
  6. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
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    Oh! In that case I love enclosed maps! Sorry from that spam, I geuss I missed that part in the post. Now I have no constructive critisism so...
  7. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I've DLed and had a walk around, my first thoughts were that its probably the smoothest forge-created walking surface I've ever played on, props for that. The build quality is superb and theres some new ( and very clean ) stuctures which I haven't seen made before.

    My only crit would be that, for me anyway, it just seems like a bunch of empty rooms thrown together with no real purpose. I realise the majority of maps are like this to some extent but I just feel that the rooms are very square and plain. However, thats from a forger's point of view and I'm sure the gameplay won't dissapoint.
  8. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    This looks awesome dude, and your wife puts up with your gaming? AWESOME!!! lol
    anywho, the layout looks awesome, and the forging looks 100% perfect. real good job, and you seem to have a knack for getting maps featured, this one should be there soon.
    nothing to fault, im just jealous about how big a map you managed to make! was it budget glitched etc.? very good
    btw with the flicking problem, if you restart enough times, do the items come back and stay back? (once set to start: yes?) thanks

    final point, surely this could have been built in the crypt and then you wouldn't have needed to build the floor...?
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Very nicely forged map, I wish more people went to this level of effort. Only thing I can really say criticism wise is that there doesn't look there are many across map lines of sight. You have however created some room to room style play by doing this so it may still work well.
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I ran a forge-through in this the minute I have seen that you sent me this map on XBL.

    It is extremely impressive by the looks. I love how you guys incorporated the room-to-room play style. I have always been a fan of those types of maps.

    Anyways, when one of you plays this map, please do not hesitate to invite me if ever I am online. Testing this map is a desire for me. Great job.
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    At frist, I thought that would have been the best idea since for the actual map we could have, like you said, used the ground floor of the crypt (and even two of the walls)... but for the pockets of space in the center where you can jump out of to your death, to me anyways, I felt that it was much cooler this way. Also, the walkway behind the attackers base at first was going to be a walled off hallway type deal, but due to budget problems zombie came to me with the idea of making it like you see it now. I for one liked it even more than the walled-off-hallway deal since it makes it less like a room-to-room sort of map.

    Same (bold). As for cross-lines of sight, that is some what true. However with the use of the wall slits that becomes possible for what I find to be some rather cool lines of sight. At the core of this map build that is what I wanted to try and pull off. A map that was like a room-to-room style while using as many wall slits as I could to make it sort of like a somewhat circular building with a courtyard in the middle that had pathways to the other areas in the map.

    If I play it, and I have room I'll be sure to check zombie's FL and inv you if you're on. I hope you enjoy the gameplay as much as you do its looks. :)
  12. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is why you should play some games on it first, not just a walkthrough. All the different rooms add another path from base to base in objective games. The supposed "empty rooms without a purpose" actually have one in different games. Like the room that holds the oddball, is empty in Slayer or a forgethrough. The room right next to that holds the Mauler, in the back corner. Making it a desired place to go yet it could be dangerous to go to that corner and get shot in the back. So yes, play some games and I am sure you wont be disappointed.
  13. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Fair enough, I will have to take your word for it untill I manage to get some solid games on it. What you are saying does make sense, I hope it works that way.
  14. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Thusfar I've only had a chance to play a short FFA on this and a very quick team game that ended due to lag issues.

    Overall this map is amazing. The forging is perfect and the use of aesthetics greatly compliment the maps layout. I'm personally a huge fan of room based maps so this is right up my alley. I do have some complaints though.

    The whole map is red! I'm assuming this was an intentional choice to help create a unique feel to the map, but at the cost of gameplay. While all the routes are unique, learning the map is very difficult as it's hard to get oriented. Since this was obviously an intentional choice it's hard for me to say that it's completely bad, especially since this map seems so well suited for FFA gametypes. I would love to see a new version with base coloration but I don't have high hopes as it would go against your original plan.

    The spawning was somewhat questionable. I noticed certain areas where the spawn orientation would flip, creating inconsistent and disoriening spawns. I think you did this to help orient players towards power weapons, which works fine in FFA but hurts gameplay in team games. This disorientation is enhanced due to the single color scheme.

    I really like this map and would love it if you created a version geared towards team play, if not I might have to go in and do it on my own :)
    #14 Vincent Torre, Aug 31, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2009
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Um... yeah. This map is "geared" towards gameplay already. The only parts of the entire map that are aesthetic are the red collums and light, and I guess the railings but even that goes for gameplay. While I understand your thoughts on the solid red color theme, but I recommend you not "go in and do it on your own". Not to sound rude, but this is our map and actually I have been pondering the thought of adding blue collums in their respected areas but there would be no budget for the blue and red light. So I may change that after I discuss it with Vorpal, it was his idea to go all red.

    As for spawns, you played 1 1/2 games so you really didnt give it time to know the map. Though most people who tested got the feel after 1 game and they were not disoriented at all when they spawned. They knew where they were and this was in team games as the map was designed for team games.
  16. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Sorry I didn't mean to imply this map is aesthetic as it is very apparent that it's not, the "gameplay" typo should have been "team play" (as it is now), which is just related to the complaint I had regarding the coloration.

    I spent a good deal of time in forge to try and figure out the layout. I thought I had a good grasp of it until I started to play on it and then I consistently got confused. While I realize that once I learn the map in more detail the spawning will be fine, learning the map takes longer than most as there isn't a central point of interest for spawns.

    It's just one of my pet peeves that I hate spawning pointing at my own base. I find this very disorienting and frustrating for gameplay. If you think it's fine than it's your map and far be it for me to say you're wrong, but it's just something that bothers me during gameplay. Like I said, the disorientation at spawn was enhanced due to the consistent color scheme, so it might not be an issue once there's a varied coloration.

    I didn't mean to sound rude, but I hope you do consider adding blue columns. I think it would even be beneficial to remove the red light completely (assuming you can't budget in a blue light) and use that budget to add additional columns enhancing the coloration.

    I think you also underestimate the power of this map as a FFA map. Granted I've only played 1 game on it but even with 9 people it still performed very well.
  17. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good map and good merging and fusion of the object but you just but red color we dont now witch base are blue or red ! Change this Ok ! and maybe i will download it !
  18. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    the map looks really nice, judging from the pictures it looks like it has good merges. I would recommend adding an underground on some parts just so you could sneak your way around the map and it would play games on people following their radar. Otherwise the map really looks good. I will download it later. 4.5/5
  19. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    If look closely at the pics, you can see where which team spawns (flags) and zombie. Also, if you did download it and play games on it, you would know where each base is. You should download and play games on it first, then come back and give your thoughts.

    First of all, we don't have the budget to really do so and it would also tamper with the layout I had in mind and be rather tricky (IMO) to pull off. As for the radar bit, I find that to be bothering so I tend to avoid that. :p
  20. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, its been discussed amongst many well known forgers, and we decided the color scheme stay the same. Not to sound rude in any way, but many many people enjoy it the way it is and do not have disorienting problems. So its staying, but thanks for your opinions gentlemen.

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